
Micromouse motors with continuous servos

In my previous post I connected four analog distance sensors to my Arduino Due and fed the sensor data to Processing, which displayed a graph of the results. In this post I’m attaching continuous servos and hooking these pieces together to get object avoidance.


Building and testing micromouse sensors

To build a micromouse I need sensors that see the maze and motors that move the robot through the maze, connected to a brain that I can teach. All of that is powered by a battery. In this post I’m going to connect the micromouse sensors and graph their output. (more…)

News Tutorials

Decoding Morse Code

A video posted by Dan Royer (@imakerobots) on

Morse code is an ancient tongue spoken by the hooded figures who worship a terrifying obsidian pillar in the sunken city of – oh, wait. Sorry! Wrong blog.

We’ve briefly looked over producing Morse code and making music. What if we’re receiving Morse code now? Today, we’ll be teaching the Arduino to translate Morse code back into English and use a microphone at the same time.
