Jim Williams
Forum Replies Created
Jim WilliamsParticipant
Mine doesn’t really have a name – I’ve just been referring to it as a drawbot. I haven’t written it up yet, but here’s a picture from the Maker Faire.
Can’t see much except the extended top pulleys to get a larger plot area. The Arduino and a 12V SLA I’m using to drive some too-wimpy 48-step steppers steppers”>http://www.sciplus.com/p/48STEP-MOTOR_49728>steppers from American Science and Surplus are about all you can see at the bottom. (The steppers are at the outside ends of the bottom stick, about behind the butt of the guy in red.)
For setFeedRate: Looks like the SendLineToRobot() lines below from DrawbotGUI.java won’t get executed.
} else if(b==setFeedRate) {
feed_rate = Double.parseDouble(feedRate.getText());
if(feed_rate<1) feed_rate=1;
if(feed_rate>2000) feed_rate=20000;
} else {
SendLineToRobot("G00 G21 F"+feed_rate+" "+b.getText());
}Also, if I configure with machine width 1221, height 1351, paper width 210, height 280, I get this config stream:
CONFIG T67.55000305175781 B-67.55000305175781 L-61.04999923706055 R61.04999923706055 I-1 J1;
L=67.55,-61.05 R=67.55,0.00 Bottom=-67.55 Feed rate=f1
=ovfmm/min> >
X0.00 Y0.00 Z170.00 Ff1=ovfmm/min >That first line is too big for the 64 byte input buffer in the Arduino to deal with. I kicked the buffer up to 100 bytes and it seems to work, but I haven’t looked at memory usage to see if there’s actually room for that. If you could somehow round or truncate the values, it would help.
Can you offer any hints on getting it to compile without RXTX problems?