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  • in reply to: Servo twitching during move, and slow movement. #9794

    Do you have any recommendations on steppers? I’m using 12V 0.4A ones, and they’re super slow, unless the limitation isn’t the steppers.

    in reply to: Servo twitching during move, and slow movement. #9790

    The twitching also does not happen when I run a test program to move the steppers, only the Makelangelo firmware (including modifying the loop to only include step commands).

    in reply to: Servo twitching during move, and slow movement. #9789

    Could the slow motor speed be related to the steppers I’m using? These are the ones I’ve got.

    Further testing has shown that the servo twitching comes when I’m moving either stepper, so it’s not tied to one of them.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9623

    Looks good to me! I like the new location too, it makes sense for anyone who’s building it on their own but may not be up for digging all the way in.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9598

    I would, but I’m afraid I’m a bit over my head on this. I used GitHub once for a project about 4 years ago, and even then, it wasn’t forked or anything. I’d be interested in learning, but I’ve been very busy this week, so I figure rather than keep you waiting while I try and learn what I’m doing there, I’ll just respond here for now (would it at least be helpful if I submit it as an issue on GitHub?).

    Currently, this is what it says:

    // stacked motor shields have different addresses. The default is 0x60
    // 0x70 is the "all call" address - every shield will respond as one.
    #define SHIELD_ADDRESS (0x61)

    To me, it seems like it should just default to 0x60, like it says it will. No note to change it needed. However, maybe you have a reason for having it default to 0x61 that I’m unaware of. But disregarding that, my suggestion would be to make it:

    // stacked motor shields have different addresses. The default is 0x60
    // 0x70 is the "all call" address - every shield will respond as one.
    #define SHIELD_ADDRESS (0x60)
    in reply to: Makelangelo "Start at line #" not working. #9470

    It’s been awhile since I did much programming, and my knowledge even then is limited, so this may be off-base, but I gave this a shot.

    I was digging into the code for the Makelangelo program, and this is the startAt method in

    public void startAt(long lineNumber) {
    		robot.sendLineToRobot("M110 N" + gCode.getLinesProcessed());

    The lineNumber parameter is never used. This is consistent with my experience using the command in the GUI; it seems to ignore the number I type in and start at the beginning. I don’t have my machine with me at the moment to try out modifying this, but I assume there should be a line in here to handle lineNumber. Maybe the setLinesProcessed(0); command should use lineNumber instead of 0? Assuming, that is, that the regular “start” button just calls this method with lineNumber set at 0.

    Or I could be reading it wrong.

    What do you think?

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9469

    Ok, got my problems solved.

    1. I was just using steppers that didn’t match the shield. Dumb mistake.
    2. The shield address in the firmware is set at 0x61, instead of 0x60. Changing that (and, of course swapping the commented lines telling the firmware which shield I’m using) seemed to get it working.
    3. I’m still waiting on my replacement servo, since the one I initially got was counterfeit, and to be able to assemble the whole thing. But all seems good so far, except for the fact that the “Start at line” command doesn’t seem to work right.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9440

    So I think I may have found the issue. I dumbly got steppers that draw more current than the shield can provide. I need to get replacement steppers, then I’ll try again.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9433

    I should add that the pulses correspond to the blinking LED on the shield. As soon as I use the connect menu to connect the Makelangelo software to the board, the LED on the shield goes from solid on to blinking about once per second.

    When I run the AF stepper test program, it seems that the light blinks whenever a command is being sent to the motor. So maybe Makelangelo is only communicating with the board once per second?

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9432

    OK, so here’s where it stands currently:

    I can now get the steppers to rotate, but not as they should. They only move in very small bursts at regular intervals, about once per second, instead of continuously. For example, if I use the jog motor buttons, the steppers move just a little bit at a time, bit by bit, for a long time. Some of the little bursts actually seem to move slightly backwards, occasionally.

    Neither the first nor second M114 commands got any response from either stepper or servo. Seemingly no effect at all.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9414

    Hm, ok. I hope I didn’t come across rude there, it was an honest question. To the best of my knowledge, work on the AMS2 compatibility was still relatively new, so I figured maybe that was an explanation for the trouble I’ve been having. I guess I’ll keep chugging along and see what I can find. Even with the change to the address, the interaction between the desktop program and the steppers hasn’t worked as it should yet. At the moment, I’m copying the firmware_ams folder into my libraries folder, and changing 3 things in firmware_ams.ino: first is changing the comments to choose the v2 shield, second is changing the stepper steps to match my steppers, and third is fixing the address. Aside from that, I’m running it as is. But connecting to Makelangelo is still not working right.

    Anyway, I’ll let you know if I find anything!

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9411

    Oh man, I’m sorry, I got sloppy there. The code I quoted is from my fixed version. In the default code, although it says 0x60 is default, 0x61 is actually set.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9410

    And by commenting out the loop(), I mean commenting out the code inside the loop.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9409

    Well, I made a little bit of progress. I tried commenting out the loop(), and replaced it with a couple commands simply to step the steppers. Still nothing. Eventually I found this:

    #if MOTHERBOARD == 2
    #define M1_STEP(a,b)  m1->step(a,b,MICROSTEP)
    #define M2_STEP(a,b)  m2->step(a,b,MICROSTEP)
    #define M1_ONESTEP(x)  m1->onestep(x,MICROSTEP)
    #define M2_ONESTEP(x)  m2->onestep(x,MICROSTEP)
    // stacked motor shields have different addresses. The default is 0x60
    // 0x70 is the "all call" address - every shield will respond as one.
    #define SHIELD_ADDRESS (0x60)

    It says default is 0x60, but actually defaults to 0x61. Changing it back to 0x60 made my test commands run, so that’s something. Although it still didn’t work right in the Makelangelo software, but in a different way.

    This time, in the software, once I connect to the robot, the steppers kind of gently pulse, like a heartbeat. And if I tell them to move, it’s like they try, but something’s not letting them move. Basically, the heartbeat gets really strong, like one command is telling it to step, while another is telling it to stay.

    So it still doesn’t work, but progress I guess?

    I also found this on the Adafruit website:

    The stepping commands are ‘blocking’ and will return once the steps have finished.

    Because the stepping commands ‘block’ – you have to instruct the Stepper motors each time you want them to move. If you want to have more of a ‘background task’ stepper control, check out AccelStepper library (install similarly to how you did with Adafruit_MotorShield) which has some examples for controlling three steppers simultaneously with varying acceleration

    Sounds like something we’d need here. And it’s nowhere to be found in the firmware. I’m starting to suspect that nobody’s actually ever confirmed that this program works on a v2 shield. I know it works on a v1 shield, because there’s one running next to me right now. Did someone just add in the code they thought would work for v2 and never actually get their hands on a shield to test it out? I’m not trying to be a pain, I’m honestly wondering if this is confirmed to work at all. I sure hope so, because v1 shield look hard to come by.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9407

    Nope, no response from the motors. Although the servo does respond a bit to it.

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9404

    I’m having the exact same issue. The steppers respond fine when I run Adafruit’s StepperTest program, but when I load the Makelangelo firmware and try to move the motors (either manually or by telling it to draw something), the servo responds just fine, but the motors don’t respond at all. What’s weird is that the servo responds a little even when only the motors should be.

    For the record, I’m using the Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3, so I changed

    #define MOTHERBOARD 1  // Adafruit Motor Shield 1
    //#define MOTHERBOARD 2  // Adafruit Motor Shield 2


    //#define MOTHERBOARD 1  // Adafruit Motor Shield 1
    #define MOTHERBOARD 2  // Adafruit Motor Shield 2

    And I changed steps per turn to 200, because my steppers have 1.8 degree steps.

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