artclonic artclonic
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artclonic artclonicParticipant
LCD displays based on HD44780 controller on the example of WH1602B-YYK-CTK.
artclonic artclonicParticipantwhat are the consequences and limitations?
artclonic artclonicParticipantWhat limiting uno+shield compared to the Mega+ramps? What does this mean?
artclonic artclonicParticipantneed firmware “Makelangelo 2.5.2 ? Where to download it?
artclonic artclonicParticipantOf course I understand that Z0 and Z10 the setting is in Java.(I made a mistake not Z30 and Z0…). More: (I Have MEGA + RAMPS). How to implement it? “firmware_rumba, search for the servos[0].write() to the motor.Ino. there are two of them.” I did not realize until the end. Thank you.
artclonic artclonicParticipantDuring operation of stepper motors servo twitches wheel drive as the clock tick, tick, tick…what could be the problem? But when it falls and rises on command G00 Z90.0
G00 Z10.0! May not be correctly assigned pins on the servo?// CONSTANTS
//#define VERBOSE (1) // add to get a lot more serial output.
#define HAS_SD // comment this out if there is no SD card
#define HAS_LCD // comment this out if there is no SMART LCD controller
//#define USE_LIMIT_SWITCH (1) // Comment out this line to disable findHome and limit switches
// servo angles for pen control
#define PEN_UP_ANGLE (80)
#define PEN_DOWN_ANGLE (10) // Some steppers don't like 0 degrees
#define PEN_DELAY (250) // in ms
// for serial comms
#define BAUD (57600) // How fast is the Arduino talking?
#define MAX_BUF (64) // What is the longest message Arduino can store?
#define MICROSTEPS (16.0) // microstepping on this microcontroller
#define STEPS_PER_TURN (200 * MICROSTEPS) // default number of steps per turn * microsteps
#define MAX_FEEDRATE (40000.0) // depends on timer interrupt & hardware
#define MIN_FEEDRATE (1500)
#define DEFAULT_FEEDRATE (7000.0)
#define STEP_DELAY (150) // delay between steps, in microseconds, when doing fixed tasks like homing
#define NUM_AXIES (6) // x,y,z
#define NUM_TOOLS (6)
#define MAX_SEGMENTS (32) // number of line segments to buffer ahead
// for arc directions
#define ARC_CW (1)
#define ARC_CCW (-1)
#define MM_PER_SEGMENT (10) // Arcs are split into many line segments. How long are the segments?
#ifdef HAS_LCD
#define HAS_SD
// SD card settings
#define SDPOWER -1
#define SDSS 53
// Smart controller settings
#define BEEPER 44
#define LCD_PINS_RS 19
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 42
#define LCD_PINS_D4 18
#define LCD_PINS_D5 38
#define LCD_PINS_D6 41
#define LCD_PINS_D7 40
#define LCD_HEIGHT 4
#define LCD_WIDTH 20
// Encoder rotation values
#define BTN_EN1 13
#define BTN_EN2 12
#define BTN_ENC 43
#define BLEN_C 2
#define BLEN_B 1
#define BLEN_A 0
#define encrot0 0
#define encrot1 2
#define encrot2 3
#define encrot3 1
#define NUM_SERVOS (1)
#define SERVO0_PIN (11)
#define SERVO1_PIN (4)
//#define MOTHERBOARD 1 // RUMBA
#define MOTOR_0_DIR_PIN (16)
#define MOTOR_0_STEP_PIN (17)
#define MOTOR_0_ENABLE_PIN (48)
#define MOTOR_1_DIR_PIN (46)
#define MOTOR_1_STEP_PIN (48)
#define MOTOR_1_ENABLE_PIN (62)
#define MOTOR_0_DIR_PIN (60)
#define MOTOR_0_STEP_PIN (61)
#define MOTOR_0_ENABLE_PIN (56)
#define MOTOR_1_DIR_PIN (46)
#define MOTOR_1_STEP_PIN (48)
#define MOTOR_1_ENABLE_PIN (62)
#endifartclonic artclonicParticipantThis can be done in Michelangelo? How to do it?
Собрались Микеланджело Мега-Рампы. Есть проблемы с сервоприводом…когда вы входите в вход:
G00 Z90.0 F200.0;
G00 Z10.0 F200.0;
G00 Z90.0 F200.0;
G00 Z10.0 F200.0;
G00 Z90.0 F200.0;
G00 Z10.0 F200.0;Сервопривод вращается только в одном направлении. В другом направлении только рывками… в чем может быть проблема?
artclonic artclonicParticipantHello! You can implement management Michelangelo with tablet operating system Android?