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  • in reply to: Software Tutorial #9891

    How big is the paper on which you are converting?

    How big is the pen tip?

    These are the two major factors.

    in reply to: How do I print from the SD card? #9872

    Generate your image.
    Save your gcode to the sd card.
    Insert the sd card into the LCD controller.
    Home your machine.
    Click the LCD controller dial and scroll down to “This is home.” Click again.
    Click the LCD controller dial and scroll down to “Start from file…” Click again.
    Scroll down to your file and click one last time.
    Drawing should begin immediately. There will be no “please insert a pen” warning.

    in reply to: Pen Down Crashes Connectivity #9849

    Two different versions of the firmware and two different versions of the software mean they’re probably not the cause.

    Crash happens when the servo moves, which draws a lot of power from the board.

    avrdude shouldn’t give you grief unless there’s something wrong with the Arduino or the USB cable.

    Sounds to me like you have a power supply problem.

    in reply to: Jog but no draw #9835

    > We did see though that the file is made to report no checksum from the board.

    Sorry, I don’t understand this sentence.

    in reply to: Offset problem with Makelangelo 2.5.2 #9822

    The news is that yes, there is something funny with 2.5.2’s latest firmware.

    I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get to this. I’m looking into it more right now.

    in reply to: Offset problem with Makelangelo 2.5.2 #9820

    I have a 2.5.2 assembled for sale in the kanban system. I will test it now and try to reproduce your results.

    in reply to: Jog but no draw #9815

    Sounds like you’re already in administrator mode.

    in reply to: Jog but no draw #9792

    That is fascinating and bizarre.

    When Java sends a message like

    N0 M101 T29.845 B-29.845 L-19.208750000000002 R19.208750000000002 I1 J-1

    to the robot, it also adds a ; and then a checksum on the end. I don’t print the checksum to the log because it’s usually an unprintable character that might have unintended effect.

    NO CHECKSUM 0 is saying “I never got the checksum”.

    But in administrator mode it gets the checksum. Why would the mode change the end of every message? Does not compute.

    in reply to: Robotic Arm – Can I still purchase one ? #9754

    Hi Joe,

    Thank you!! I want to hear from more people like you that are interested in an arm.

    I’m waaay tooo exciiited about building robot arms! I released that model before it was truly ready and learned my lesson very quickly. Learn something new every day, right?

    I’m really interested in building a better model and shipping it fully assembled. One challenge I have is proving that there are enough people like you that are looking for an arm. If I can prove it, I can get investors to help me finish the next model, or run a kickstarter.

    A related challenge is that when I’m designing an arm I’m guessing at what you want the arm to do… which is stupid. I can just interview interested people and get a picture from their answers. I wouldn’t want to miss something obvious that would turn you off.


    I have five questions to everyone interested in an arm. Please, answer as many as you want:

    1. For what purpose do you want to use an arm?
    2. What’s the minimum lifting power would you need?
    3. What’s the minimum reach would you need?
    4. What other features are you looking for?
    5. What’s price would you expect for an arm that could do all that?

    in reply to: Are belts supposed to be included? #9745

    I emailed you an answer the day it was originally posted.

    GT2-6 is 6mm wide and has teeth with a 2mm pitch.

    in reply to: Are belts supposed to be included? #9717

    This is my fault. Two days ago I saw a pack of belt sitting on my otherwise empty desk. I knew I had left it out of a kit but I didn’t know which one. Thank you for teaching out to us!

    I will Fedex you the belt tomorrow. I’m sorry for the mix up.

    in reply to: Are belts supposed to be included? #9716

    Hi! We’ll get you sorted out right away.

    in reply to: 4AxisCNCShield #9701

    In onestep() you may find a delayMicroseconds(1500) is enough. CNCShield was contributed by a fan.

    Where you see

    a[j].over -= maxsteps;


    You might be able to get away with

    a[j].over -= maxsteps;

    instead of a delay.

    in reply to: Connection to arduino broken (sort of) #9654

    On what computer does it work, and on what computer does it not? What is the difference?
    Do they both have the same version of java? Should be 1.8

    in reply to: Connection to arduino broken (sort of) #9646

    v7.3 had this endless loop problem. It was fixed in the next release.

    v7.4 has a new safety rule: you must click “set home” before you can start a drawing.

    in reply to: Ideas for improvements #9637

    I just added an “is landscape” checkbox to the paper settings, it should give you what you want.
    Will be in the next release. Great idea!

    in reply to: Command-line version of software #9635

    The closest we have is gcodesender, which JUST sends gcode. it is not command-line friendly.

    in reply to: Right Stepper Motor Not Holding #9633


    Latest version is 1.0.3. I just finished building another 2.5.2, I’m going to check on the one-stepper issue today.

    in reply to: Right Stepper Motor Not Holding #9616

    Hi Jan,

    Are you using the latest version (7.4.5)? v7.3.4 was the first release of the force-home feature and it is known to have a bug.

    We assemble and test all our robots before shipping. That way we know they and the software will work. I don’t see any record of your purchase in our web store so I have to assume you’re running a home made model. I can only guess that you have (from best case to worst case)

    1. a loose wire on that stepper motor
    2. a wonky power supply
    3. a bad motor shield
    4. a bad arduino
    5. some or all of the above, simultaneously

    Please: How could I make “figuring out why stuff doesn’t work” better?

    in reply to: Start buttons not working #9611

    Ugi – please confirm you are running v7.4.5. the 7.3.4 is known to have that bug.

    in reply to: 7.3.4 – buttons greyed out in W7 #9610

    The latest is 7.4.5, released last friday. https://github.com/MarginallyClever/Makelangelo/releases/tag/7.4.5
    Please update and tell me if the problem persists.

    in reply to: pulley size #9602

    I put about 100g in the bottles.

    The pulleys were the same used in 3D printers, which made them plentiful and inexpensive.

    Speed was determined by testing the assembled machine. Play with yours and let us know your results!

    in reply to: Stepper Motors not working #9600
    in reply to: Intermittent Motor Jogs #9593

    I would guess noise in the system. Dirty power source?

    in reply to: Intermittent Motor Jogs #9592

    Topic moved to support forum.

Viewing 25 posts - 926 through 950 (of 1,021 total)