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  • in reply to: 4 motor Hot Wire Cutter #14189

    So there’s three major parts: hardware, firmware, and software. Hardware could be done like this:
    With two 2D gantries on opposite vertical faces of a box. A hot wire runs between the two gantry heads.

    I would probably use Makelangelo-firmware, add a few commands to heat the wire. one gantry would use X and Y values for position. The other would use U and V. This way the wire could make angled cuts.

    The real challenge is the software. Personally I’d start with 2D cuts where U=X and V=Y all the time, because that would be easy to calculate. I fail to imagine how to cut, say, a plane wing. There’s probably a clever way to take a 3d model of a wing and extrapolate the “shadow” on each box face, such that following the shadow edge cuts your wing profile.

    in reply to: Robot Arm #14155

    I’ve been out of town for ten days. Before I left I placed an order for bearings and motors to go with my latest design. I even printed some parts. Then the motors arrived and I discovered that there were critical differences between my understanding and reality. I thought some holes in the motors could be used to attach to the bones. Those holes are already in use for the gearbox. In at least one case the motor body shape did not match my model, and the design has to be radically changed to compensate. So it’s back to the drawing board!

    in reply to: Robot Arm #14151

    @prenic – interesting. if you can provide me with a mathematical model, I will convert it to code.

    in reply to: Calibrating Makelangelo 2 & 3 #14146

    If you need it, consider making the change and sending me a pull request. I’ll merge your change (after testing) and then it’ll be there for everyone.

    in reply to: Calibrating Makelangelo 2 & 3 #14144

    @Desterline – on the Makelangelo 3 and 5 draw a line between the center of both motors. From the middle of that line, go down 217mm (8.54330709 inches). That is the spot where the pen should start.

    It used to be in the center of the paper, which was crazy annoying to use on the 3. With the 5 it’s on the edge of an A2 sheet, so well placed.

    It’s not friendly for M3s that are very very big – you might not even be able to reach the home position without a ladder. I’ll see about adding a “set your own home position” option for the next release.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #14043


    M101 let’s you adjust the size of the machine by setting the top, bottom, left, and right from the origin. It works the same as the Makelangelo.

    M101 TH B-H L-W RW

    Where W is width/2 and H is height/2.
    Width and height should be measured from the edge of the motor mounts where they touch the edge of the board.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #14003

    Oh no, the drivers! :O

    I’ve retested for all the machines styles and for RAMPs. Should be better now. Sorry for not testing every option more thoroughly. I got hung up on a polargraph issue and when I was done I thought “that’s it! Ship it!” Never make a major commit on a friday afternoon, they warned me…

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13998

    I set up my zarplotter with a RAMPs board this morning and ran some tests. I can confirm that the current firmware appears to have a bug that makes one motor turn only in one direction. Thank you, @kukomiguel, for the report.

    I have updated the makelangelo-firmware to clean up the confusion that allowed D0 to work but not G0. now they are the same so that if one doesn’t work, they are both broken.

    I’ve also removed all the firmware inversions. If you want a motor to run the other way, change the physical wiring. This will run faster and use less code that could break.

    Please let me know if that helps.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13981

    Have you tried to invert a motor in software (M101) and then jogging it (D1)? I want to check if it reverses direction.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13980

    Can you send me your configuration files and the firmware config to check all your parameters like board size, etc..? I’m not sure how to define the limits.

    Everything I have is checked into github:


    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13978

    Did my previous suggestion about M102 and M101 help? I don’t remember seeing a reply.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13957

    it sounds like your motors are inverted. What does “M102” say? It should reply

    I1 J-1 U1 V-1

    and if it doesn’t, try

    M101 I1 J-1 U1 V-1

    This is a way to reverse the direction of motors in software. Another method is to physically flip the wire where the motor attaches to the controller, which should only be done with power disconnected.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13953

    FYI, 1.27323954 is (20 teeth * 2mm per tooth) / pi = circumference of pulley.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13952


    D1 L1.27323954

    if the pulley diameter is set to zero, the inverse kinematics fail in interesting ways. I’ve seen on the zarplotter that (from home position) X+anything does nothing, and Y+anything moves only a few of the motors, as you described.

    So… probably something with failing to initialize the pulley diameter. I’m strongly in favor of ripping out this pulley diameter changing code, since I only use one size of pulley ANYWAYS.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13951

    I have acquired a RAMPs board and I’ve installed it. testing to begin shortly.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #13950

    The only thing that changes between RAMPS and RUMBA are the pin assignments. If your RAMPS isn’t working right, I’d try changing the driver first, then treat the RAMPS board itself as very suspicious.

    in reply to: 3d printer to a plotter #13949

    I don’t know. Can you? You’ll have to be more specific.

    in reply to: CNC air nozzle 4th axis #13932

    I purchased

    11HY3406-9SK842 http://www.robotdigg.com/product/798
    Adapter http://www.robotdigg.com/product/799
    Nozzle http://www.robotdigg.com/product/800
    Connector are both fine KSH04 is for 4mm OD tube and KSH06 is for 6mm OD tube

    and a solenoid valve to release air pressure. Maybe https://www.robotdigg.com/product/1069/TG-series-Solenoid-Valve-TG23-06,-TG22-08 will work?

    in reply to: Makelangelo on Raspberry Pi #13926

    And the prize pool just went up by one beer! …I don’t have that image yet.

    in reply to: Jumper On Motorshield #13919

    It’s easier to follow your issue if you keep the conversation to a single thread.

    Maybe you’re putting power backwards into the shield. get a multimeter and check. also read the documentation for your motor shield and be sure you have the jumper setting correct. Old Makelangelos using the AMS1 shield required 12v2a power. I don’t remember the jumper state.

    in reply to: Error using Makelangelo Software #13902

    This conversation has been moved to product support.

    If everything worked until you plugged in the power supply, I’d take a hard look at your power supply.

    There is a good chance you have no valid serial connection to the board. http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=83079.0

    > avrdude: ser_open(): can’t open device “\\.\COM4”: Access is denied.

    Well right here it says you try to connect on com4 and com4 isn’t available.

    Code compiling ok can happen with or without hardware. uploading can be affected by hardware. Try disconnecting everything from the board except the USB cable, finding the right com port, and uploading. Then disconnect usb power and put things back on one at a time. Test between each new thing by opening the serial window to talk to the board. You might find things stop working when you plug in a specific part.

    in reply to: Solder iron add-on feed mechanism #13889
    in reply to: Solder iron add-on feed mechanism #13884

    Found this, which looks simpler than my ratchet system: http://3dtrek.com/long-reach-hot-melt-glue-gun/

    in reply to: Makelangelo on Raspberry Pi #13881


    When I try and run the demos I just get a load of error messages such as libEGL warning: GLX/DRI2 is not supported/failed to authenticate etc

    The chances are this is because ‘something’ (such as gedit) has installed mesa which added its own versions of libEGL and libGLESv2. If you run:

    $ sudo find / -name libEGL*
    $ sudo find / -name libGLESv2*

    on the Raspberry Pi you should just get /opt/vc/lib/libEGL.so and /opt/vc/lib/libGLESv2.so if other ones turn up i.e. /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libEGL.so.1 you could try creating symbolic links for them all like this:

    $ sudo ln -fs /opt/vc/lib/libEGL.so /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libEGL.so
    $ sudo ln -fs /opt/vc/lib/libEGL.so /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libEGL.so.1
    $ sudo ln -fs /opt/vc/lib/libGLESv2.so /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libGLESv2.so
    $ sudo ln -fs /opt/vc/lib/libGLESv2.so /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libGLESv2.so.2

    NB on other systems such as Debian, ubuntu etc the “good” files will not be in this location, they will be somewhere like /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa-egl/ so you have to alter the commands accordingly Use the actual paths as listed by find. After creating new symbolic links you will need to run:

    $ sudo ldconfig

    This issue is being looked into by the maintainers of Raspbian so, hopefully, it will be fixed in later releases.

    https://pi3d.github.io/html/FAQ.html answer no 7

    in reply to: Makelangelo on Raspberry Pi #13880

    As for a command line only version… interesting idea. I’ve heard it once before. No idea how I’d approach that. Separating the GUI from the command line might mean I could automate testing for the subsystems…

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