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  • Dan
    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #15586

    I am about to leave on an 8 day vacation and I doubt I’ll get to look into this until my return. I have scheduled it for the day after I get back so that I don’t forget to investigate. I apologize for the delay.

    in reply to: Movement Issues with Custom Polargraph #15576

    rotated clockwise? sounds like you have your motors backward AND one is reversed.

    if you use the software and settings > jog motors, left in should drive the pen holder towards the left motor, and left out should drive the pen away. same thing for right in and right out.

    I recommend…

    * create a fork from github for your changes.
    * make a new board_[yourname].h and put your pin definitions there.
    * in configure.h, use your new board (see other boards as example)
    * uncomment #define HAS_LCD in polargraph.h

    that will disable the LCD and let you use your pin setup without smashing the existing code, plus it will make life easier when I update things and you want to roll those changes into your fork.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #15557
    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #15556

    Well… I know about the “17 Please change” and I just pushed a fix for that (should remove the 17).

    I’m not sure why the zarplotter simulation is 1/10th the size it should be, yet. I will be looking at it this weekend. I think it’s a mistake in Makelangelo-software but ONLY in the zarplotter display.

    in reply to: Zarplotter 4-motor drawing machine #15551

    The software allows it. The hardware should be able to handle it. Try and report your results. We are here to help 🙂

    in reply to: .bat file function? #15529

    Please post the results of running the .bat file. It should locate your java installation and run makelangelo-software (for those rare users that don’t have jar associated with java).

    Can you show me an example of what you are seeing and what you expect? Maybe share your test picture and the settings you are using. I’d also like to see what it used to look like in 7.8 – if you have the older release you can run that and convert.


    in reply to: Stewart2 platform not working #15522

    Please tag us in a video, I want to see your creation! 🙂

    in reply to: Stewart2 platform not working #15521

    You will have to run R71 to set the factory default switch angles, then R70 to save them to the EEPROM memory so it knows how to home. Every time you start the machine run G28 to home the device. Once it is home it knows where it *is* and can figure out where it is *going*.

    in reply to: Pen Holder #15475

    The A value will change the *acceleration*. The F value will change the *feed rate*, which is the speed.

    G0 A100 ; set acceleration to 100
    G0 F2000 ; set top speed to 2000
    G0 X100 ; move to X100
    G0 X0 F3000 A1000; combine all three in a single command for convenience

    in reply to: Pen Holder #15427

    > Does it also work with text?

    The robot only knows that it is drawing lines. it works with everything. Make sure your gcode does not have G0 Ann commands, it might reset your instructions! eg you said G0 Annn, then ran gcode and that gcode has a G0 Annn which changes your instruction

    > And what about servo motors would it be an option?

    I don’t understand the question.

    in reply to: Pen Holder #15420

    acceleration can be lowered in settings, or with gcode.

    G00 Annn

    change acceleration to nnn

    in reply to: Pen Holder #15410

    Nice. What bearings did you use? is that polycaprolactone plastic (the white stuff)?

    I have noticed that the pen tip wobbles more as the center of balance gets further from the wall. Do you concur? One solution would be two sets of belt to hold the pen at two points. It doubles the cost of belt and pulleys AND the motors would need extra long shafts.

    in reply to: Raspberry Pi not booting #15393

    looks like all the usual suspects are where they belong. now that /home/pi exists (Because of the sudo commands) the error should be gone next time you log in.

    in reply to: Raspberry Pi not booting #15391

    you’ll probably need to download the NOOBS SD card image and use an SD card image writer to copy it onto the SD card. 9_9

    Before that, try

    sudo mkdir /home
    sudo mkdir /home/pi

    and paste the results from

    cd /
    ls -al

    in reply to: Makelangelo 7.15 firmware #15389

    @NealXu good. Hi!

    in reply to: Raspberry Pi not booting #15387

    before you reset, try

    cd /home

    Maybe somehow the /home/pi folder got deleted and everything else is fine.

    in reply to: Raspberry Pi not booting #15379

    is the SD card in place correctly? does it show any of the startup text on the screen?

    I hope you don’t have to reset BUT if you do, here’s a way:

    in reply to: Makelangelo 7.15 firmware #15365

    README.txt has been updated.

    in reply to: Makelangelo 7.15 firmware #15363

    – get a fresh download.
    – unzip everything to Makelangelo-firmware-master
    – rename folder Makelangelo-firmware-master to Makelangelo-firmware
    – open Makelangelo-firmware/Makelangelo-firmware.ino
    – all files should appear as tabs in the one arduino project
    – compile. everything should be ok.

    in reply to: Makelangelo 7.15 firmware #15355

    are you sure you have eeprom.ino? that’s where saveLimits is declared.

    in reply to: Makelangelo 7.15 firmware #15345

    Usually fixing the first error makes the rest disappear.

    I just compiled the latest for polargraph and version 5 makelangelo. there were no compile errors.

    “axies” are defined in Makelangelo-firmware.ino. I’m not sure how it can fail to find the declaration.

    Are you using

    (A) the download from the store,
    (B) the Github master branch, or
    (C) the Gidhub dev branch



    David – here is a partial list, unsorted. I will edit later with more.


    [G] [Preparatory Commands] Codes:

    G0-G1 [Xnnn] [Ynnn] [Znnn] [Unnn] [Vnnn] [Wnnn] [Ann] [Fnn]
    Move in a straight line.

    G2-G3 [Xnnn] [Ynnn] [Ann] [Fnn] [Inn] [Jnn]
    Move in an arcs in the XY plane. G2 for cw, G3 for ccw.

    G4 [Snn] [Pnn]
    Wait S milliseconds and P seconds.

    Move to origin (Go home).

    Calibrate belts.

    G54-G59 [Xnnn] [Ynnn] [Znnn] [Unnn] [Vnnn] [Wnnn]
    Adjust tool offset.

    Enable Absolute Mode.

    Enable Relative Mode.

    G92 [Xnnn] [Ynnn] [Znnn] [Unnn] [Vnnn] [Wnnn]
    Teleport mental position.

    [M] [Miscellaneous Function] Codes:

    M6 [Tnnn]
    Change the currently active tool.

    Engage Motor.

    Disengage Motor.

    Print a helpful message to serial. The first line must never be changed to play nice with the JAVA software.

    M101 Annn [Tnnn] [Bnnn]
    Change axis A limits to max T and min B.
    Look for change to dimensions in command, apply and save changes.

    Print the machine limits to serial.

    [M110] [Nnnn]
    Set Line Number.

    Print the X,Y,Z, feedrate, acceleration, and home position

    M117 [string]
    Display string on the LCD panel. Command is ignored if there is no LCD panel.

    M226 P[a] S[b]
    Wait for pin a to be in state b (1 or 0). if P or S are missing, wait for user to press click wheel on LCD.
    Command is ignored if there is no LCD panel (and no button to press).

    [D] Codes:

    D0 [Lnnn] [Rnnn] [Unnn] [Vnnn] [Wnnn] [Tnnn]
    Jog each motor nnn steps.
    Latter motor names are UVWT.

    Report current firmware version.

    D6 [Xnnn] [Ynnn] [Znnn] [Unnn] [Vnnn] [Wnnn]
    Set home position for each axis.

    D7 [Lnnn] [Rnnn]
    Set calibration length of each belt.

    Report calibration values for left and right belts.

    Makelangelo 5 specific setup call.

    in reply to: A Stronger Stepper Motor? #15294

    Also to answer your question about bigger motors… The chips on the board can handle maximum 1.5 amps each. the stepper motors you have are 0.3a nominal, probably 0.5 peak. As long as a larger NEMA17 motor is under 1.5 amp you should be ok. As you get close to 1.5 you’ll want a fan to blow on the chips so they don’t melt. I have some fans and possibly larger NEMA17s that are not normally used in Makelangelos.

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