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  • in reply to: No "click to continue" menu #20932

    That’s by design. People wanted to run without using the PC and I still needed a way to say “prepare the pen and click to continue”, especially if they were running a CMYK drawing.

    in reply to: modification nouveau ploter #20931

    Why do you say it does not work?

    in reply to: Makelangelo 3.2 do not remember his origin #20819

    Uh… I don’t have an immediate answer why.
    Somehow the machine does not remember it’s configuration and the SD card does not TELL the machine it’s configuration.
    I will have to investigate and get back to you.

    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20723
    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20718

    You might have some success with the M5 printer parts (instead of teflon): https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2494228

    I will look into getting the DXF files online.

    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20684


    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20679

    It appears to be well placed.

    …. count the number of teeth on the pulleys. Long ago a supplier gave us 18 tooth pulleys that had “20” written on the side. We counted EVERY pulley in stock. Now I’m feeling paranoid that it could be happening again.

    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20675

    what if you slow down the machine?

    settings > pen > max speed=8000, draw speed=5000

    try 1000 lower each time until results improve.

    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20668

    yes, those are the dials. probably not the problem there.

    belts should *never* skip on pulleys. if they are skipping your robot has a problem. I can’t see why it is skipping from the information you have provided.

    I asked for a test in the other direction to see if it is an exact mirror image OR if one motor is more of a problem than the other. Can you verify?

    Are you able to draw A2 OK? Maybe A3 is too large, or your board needs to be more tall (so the paper is lower). You can tell the robot that the board is taller *without changing the board* and that will make the 0,0 position lower. it will also mean after “set home” you will see Y is a larger number. The benefit is that the pen holder will not try to draw at the top of the board where problems can sometimes occur (hitting the electronics, too much tension)

    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20664

    Left motor appears to have trouble. Do you get same results with right 100mm, left 100mm?

    Are the belts skipping on the pulleys? (pulley turns and belt does not move)

    Are the 100g counter weights catching on the belt? (not pulling consistently)

    – disconnect power
    – remove clear plastic cover from brain
    – adjust dial on south side of green circuits 10 degrees clockwise
    – restart machine.

    Dial controls current to motors. more current = more power = hot motor!

    y=308 not unusual. 0,0 is center of paper. width/2, height/2 is top right corner (center of right motor)

    in reply to: Firmaware on Arduino Uno #20661

    > doesn’t upload on my Arduino UNO

    Arduino UNO is not supported. At a minimum you’ll need a Mega 2560 with a RAMPS shield OR a RUMBA board.

    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20660

    Sorry for the delay. Can you show me an example?

    Start at home position.

    Move down 100mm.
    Move up 100mm.
    Move left 100mm.
    Move right 100mm.

    If you are starting at home and going up 100mm, machine probably cannot do this because the tension on the belt is impossible.

    in reply to: the drawing is offbeat #20659

    Start at home.
    Use program to move down 100mm.
    Use program to move up 100mm.
    Where is it?

    Start at home.
    Use program to move left 100mm.
    Use program to move right 100mm.
    Where is it?

    in reply to: Makelangelo 5 doesn't home properly #20603

    I like both clips belt on back. purely aesthetic. not convinced there’s a functional difference.

    in reply to: Makelangelo 5 doesn't home properly #20601

    The right motor plug should have the yellow wire on the left side. it can be unplugged and flipped when the power is off.
    If it’s still wrong, try

    – open makelangelo-software
    – connect
    – expand advanced dialog at bottom.
    – type D8
    – report results

    the numbers should be close to D8 R1011 L1011. These can be tweaked, along with the calibration pattern, to perfect the homing routine and get square images.
    One time I ran a calibrated robot that had somehow gotten scrambled and it would home to the middle-left side.

    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20590
    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20588

    that would be a good start. eliminate variables one at a time until the picture is perfect.

    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20568

    I can’t tell what I’m looking at in the video that is supposed to show the problem. what do you mean by “don’t sync”? Are you still losing steps somewhere?

    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20558

    That sounds very likely. The pen holder is probably making machine dimensions difficult to calculate. I mentioned that before, right? I would subtract the distance between the two bolts on the pen holder that hold the belt. Better would be arms that move like on the M5, then no funny math and more accurate drawings in the corners.

    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20547

    looks like missed steps.

    slow the machine down.

    check the belt is not skipping on the pulley.

    maybe add counterweights?

    in reply to: Arduino mega and ramps without led disolay #20539

    Sounds like your microstepping is wrong, or your motors are 200-step. Our motors are 400-step and would move half as far every time. You can adjust the DEGREES_PER_STEP in firmware. 200-step motors should be 1.8. 400-step should be 0.9.


    Issue found and fixed in the master branch.


    Also your name now appears in the commit logs. Put it in your resume when they ask “how do you contribute to open source?” 🙂


    in reply to: makelangelo 3.2 does not work….help #20536

    Make sure to home the machine before drawing?

    in reply to: makelangelo 3.2 does not work….help #20528

    Mon clavier n’as pas d’accents et ma grammaire est tres rouille mais je comprends. si tu prefere ecrire en francais.

    in reply to: makelangelo 3.2 does not work….help #20526

    I appreciate your anger and I want you to be happy. That’s why I’m working with you to make it better.

    I personally test all kits so this is my responsibility. It is very rare I have anyone else make them – it’s slower to train someone else than to do it myself.

    The power connector screw and nut have always been like that on every model. I am aware that it twists in the hole, it has never proven to be an issue.

    Some of the M3 screws can shake loose in transportation. This is an issue we’ve addressed in the M5. I’ll try to find a way to make future M3s shake-proof.

    You will need the Arduion app from arduino.cc.
    Then you’ll need the Makelangelo-firmware.
    Connect the robot to the PC. lights on the board should be on. If not, connect power to the board as well. your PC will probably make a sound when it connects.
    Start Arduino.
    Choose Tools > Board and select “mega 2560”
    Choose Tools > Port and select the port for your board (probably says “mega 2560” next to the port)
    Choose File > Open and select [your downloads]/Makelangelo-firmware/Makelangelo-firmware.ino.
    Choose file “robot_polargraph.h”

    //#define MACHINE_HARDWARE_VERSION 3 // If you have a makelangelo 3+
    #define MACHINE_HARDWARE_VERSION 5 // If you have a makelangelo 5+

    Change to

    #define MACHINE_HARDWARE_VERSION 3 // If you have a makelangelo 3+
    //#define MACHINE_HARDWARE_VERSION 5 // If you have a makelangelo 5+

    Click the “Upload” button (second green circle from the left, image of an arrow pointing right)
    If all goes well firmware will upload OK in a few seconds.
    Robot will then reboot immediately.
    You can confirm code is running by clicking the magnifying glass (far right of circles)
    First message that appears should say “Hello world! I am a polargraph” and then more helpful text with instructions for direct manual communication with the machine.

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