The code in Arduino
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- This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 6 months ago by Dan.
2016-08-10 at 18:07 #10497AnonymousInactive
Hi guys.
I’m newbie in this project. I started the Java Software that make lines and columns about a image.
But i have a question.
(I’m read the documentation, but i’m not understand.)
I need install any code in Arduino ??
What the file need to install in Arduino ??Tks guys.
2016-08-11 at 06:28 #10501tjhawkeyParticipantDepends on what hardware you have. You can use an arduino and adafruit motorshield.
There’s different code to download to the arduino depending on which shield you have.
If you have homebrew hardware, expect to spend some time going through the firmware.
It will likely need some modification. Fortunately, it’s nicely documented.2016-08-11 at 08:59 #10503DanKeymasterThere are two parts to the project.
The robot is loaded with FIRMWARE, which teaches it how to move the motors and listen to a language called GCODE. By sending the right commands you can make the robot do what you want.
Sitting there typing out the commands by hand is so 1965. The Java SOFTWARE makes a nice interface with a menu with buttons and a preview. The software can send all the GCODE to the robot (one line at a time) and has some built in tests to prevent user mistakes.
GCODE mostly tells the robot how to move in lines – move here, move there, move up, move down. The software can make a set of line instructions with the Generators. These include fractals and a few other patterns. The real trick is Converters that look at a picture you chooose. Each converter looks at the picture in a different way and creates a different set of line commands in GCODE.
As an aside, if you write a sweet new Generator or Converter, I’ll include it in the project and you’ll be able to say your code runs on thousands of robots around the world. That might look good on a resume.
Lastly, the software can read some kinds of DXF files. DXF files describe lines already, so they show up in the software exactly as you saved them from some other app. You can save DXF files from Inkscape (free), Fusion360, Solidworks, and more.
2016-08-24 at 06:38 #10599AnonymousInactiveThanks DAN and Tjhawkey.
I managed the software in java, the software open a image file and convert to gdoce, but my problem is with arduino.
I download a zip file named “MarginallyClever-Makelangelo-firmware-c6f305a”. In this folder have two folders “firmware_ams” and “firmware_rumba”.
In the folder “firmware_rumba”, i open the file firmware_rumba.ino with Arduino IDE with Arduino Mega 2560 and i have a error “This code is not meant for Arduino MEGA or RUMBA boards.”
I would ask.
The code not run in Arduino Mega?
The code only runs in Arduino Uno ?2016-08-24 at 07:31 #10601AnonymousInactiveHI again
i downloaded the firmware version 1.4 and errors above ended.I need configure the ports of steppers motors and servo motor in file configure.h ??
2016-08-24 at 08:52 #10602DanKeymasterServo angle is configured in makelangelo-software. we only sell steppers with 400 step per turn. if your steppers are not then you need to adjust in configure.h
2016-08-24 at 15:30 #10622AnonymousInactivetks, i will try.
tks again2016-08-24 at 16:04 #10623AnonymousInactivehi dan, the makelangelo works, the steppers motors and servo motor works,
but i have other ask,what the distance of stepper motor 1 and stepper motor 2 ?
What the length of belt for stepper motors ??
2016-08-24 at 16:06 #10624DanKeymasterthe distance between the center of the two stepper motors depends on your individual setup.
The makelangelo 2 comes with 3m of belt by default (1.5m each side). The Makelangelo 3 comes with 4m (2m each side).
2016-08-31 at 13:49 #10706AnonymousInactiveHi dan, other question.
I have four stepper motors, (two stepper motor with 1.8 step) and (two stepper motor with 3.6 step)
What is better ?? Or i can configure step in file configure.h
2016-08-31 at 13:57 #10709DanKeymasterThe more steps the better. We use 400 step (0.9).
2016-09-06 at 19:12 #10790AnonymousInactiveHi Dan
I put my “Makelangelo” to work. The motors works and the servo too.
I compile the software in java,connect to serial port, open a picture and click in “Start”, but my “Makelangelo” don´t draw,It looks like he’s crazy.
I need to synchronize the position of pen in java software with the position of pen in my board ?
The machine “machine width” and “machine height” is only to calculate the length of wires and belts ??
2016-09-06 at 22:47 #10791DanKeymasterYes, you need to synchronize. That is what the “set home” button does – it tells the software that the pen holder is at the location on the screen. you can use the calibration.pdf ( to line up the pen holder with the software. I did not include the paper instructions in the video for the 2.5, I have to edit and re-upload it.
Machine width affects all the math for triangulation. Much more than wire length. Machine height also affects position of paper.
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