start at line #

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot start at line #

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  • #15145

    Dear Dan,

    what is meant by “start at line #”? How can I use this function and
    where can I find or define the “lines” Could you give an example for it?

    Best, Raphael


    Hi Raphael!

    Let’s say I’m drawing and the USB connection fails at line 10418. I reconnect, home the machine, and then say “start from line #10417”. Makelangelo should skip the first part and finish the drawing. Assuming your homing is good then there should be no visible “break” where the hiccup happened. This is much easier on the M5 where it can auto-home perfectly every time.


    Hi Dan,

    ok. Where can I see the lines, that have already been drawing or the line where connection failed?

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