Servo twitching during move, and slow movement.

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Servo twitching during move, and slow movement.

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    On the new one I just set up, I noticed that while the steppers are moving, the servo makes a lot of twitching sounds. The pen up and pen down commands work just fine, and it’s completely silent when nothing’s happening, but controlling the steppers seems to give the servo some twitchiness too.

    My steppers are also moving super slowly, and I can’t figure out why 🙁


    Could the slow motor speed be related to the steppers I’m using? These are the ones I’ve got.

    Further testing has shown that the servo twitching comes when I’m moving either stepper, so it’s not tied to one of them.


    The twitching also does not happen when I run a test program to move the steppers, only the Makelangelo firmware (including modifying the loop to only include step commands).


    Do you have any recommendations on steppers? I’m using 12V 0.4A ones, and they’re super slow, unless the limitation isn’t the steppers.

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