Replacing the servos lowering the pen on solenoid (electro m

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Replacing the servos lowering the pen on solenoid (electro m

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  • #6098
    artclonic artclonic

    Upgrading Michelangelo under the lowering / raising of the pen servo motor and solenoid. Help change the firmware that used on team “Z10” pin power pin,HIGH, team-“Z0” – pin,LOW. What changes should I make to the firmware? Please help


    I’m not sure I understand your question.

    Are you aware up and down are not always Z10 and Z0, unless you set those limits in the Makelangelo Java software?

    In firmware_ams, I would look for setPenAngle() and find the line that says s1.write. replace that with your high/low to move the solenoid.

    In firmware_rumba, look for servos[0].write() in motor.ino. there are two of them.

    artclonic artclonic

    Of course I understand that Z0 and Z10 the setting is in Java.(I made a mistake not Z30 and Z0…). More: (I Have MEGA + RAMPS). How to implement it? “firmware_rumba, search for the servos[0].write() to the motor.Ino. there are two of them.” I did not realize until the end. Thank you.


    When you complete the change, please submit a pull request. I’ll add your change to the dev branch of the Makelangelo so that you don’t lose your change next time we publish an update.

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