Pen not going up or down

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Pen not going up or down

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  • #12279


    As the subject says, the pen is not going up or down. The servo moves when I click on Pen up or down, and I can see the G code set is G01 F300 Z10 and G01 F300 Z90, however, I saved the gcode of my art to a text file and checked it and the servo is being sent G01 F50 Z90. Why is the software sending two different codes?

    I am using an Arduino uno with a Adafruit motor shield v2.3.


    OK. The servo is moving, butthe first few commands seem to be failing…

    M110 N0
    N0 G90;*43
    N2 G00 F6500 A250;*19
    N1 M06 T-16777216;*115
    N2 G00 F6500 A250;*19
    N3 G00 X-48.453 Y19.922;*2
    N4 G01 F50 Z90;*55
    N1 M06 T-16777216;*115
    N5 G01 F6500;*67
    N6 G01 X-48.453 Y24.125;*7

    and it is not using the values I specify in the Pen settings. I am using Up: 90, Down: 10, but it is sending this code for Pen up: G00 F50 Z50;*60


    I found that after modifying the settings you need to restart the program, otherwise it wont take the new values…


    Aaah… actually, you can re-load the image file and it will take the new values. if you create gcode A, change settings, and then create gcode B for the same image with the same settings, A != B and A will be unchanged.

    If you can think of a good way to make this more obvious, let me know. I will add it to the program so nobody else trips over my less-than-perfect code.


    Oh… So the G code is being generated when the image/art is created… Hmmm… How about saving the last image load/art generation parameters into memory and just re-do the last operation when the user changes the settings? That may no work well for generated art since some of them take a lot of time to generate… If that’s not possible, maybe just show a reminder to the user.


    Jose, you have good ideas I’ve considered. I didn’t pop up a reminder because I felt it was annoying. Long time regenerating pictures is exactly the reason I didn’t make it automatic. I have not found a happy middle.

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