Need Help with the GCodeSender
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Shop › Forum › Everything Else › Need Help with the GCodeSender
i build a tiny CNC and i use the Adafruit Shield with the GCode2Axisdemo.
In Arduino IDE i can send the Gcode with no problem with the special sign “;”.
so i´m searching for a Software that can send Gcodes with a “;” at the End.
I read the Readme File an Downloaded the GCodeSender.
I Try to use the GCodesender.jar on all my machines, but i cant start it.
Windows 8,8.1,XP
JAVA SDK is installed. Can you please help me.
When i try to start the .jar nothing happens. No Error no Window
Thanks for Help
Try starting from windows cmd.exe. That will keep the window open and show you if there is an error message.
I Try it this is a Screenshot of the Result
I’m pretty sure all the projects have been updated to remove RXTX serial. I’m working hard on code for another customer right now. you’re next in line.
I have the exact same problem with the exact same messages in cmd. I downloaded and ran the makelangelo.jar file just as a test, and it started up no problem. I think there is something wrong with the gcodesender.jar or something. I’m not a computer expert, so I’m no help there….but I REALLY want to get this working as I have a 4 axis mill made with uno and adafruit motorshields and no way to run it!! I got the 4axiscncdemo to work with the serial monitor, But I need to send a bunch of lines. If there is another gcode sender that works with this setup, please let me know as I haven’t been able to find one.
I got it solved—yay me! I had to download rxtxserial.dll and rxtxparallel.dll and copy them to my jre bin. Then I had to download rxtxcomm.jar and put that in the jre lib/ext folder. Once done, I click on gcodesender and it worked!!
Please try the latest from github. I couldn’t figure out why it would still be reporting RXTX problems since I removed that months ago.
Turns out I forgot to hit the “export” button in Eclipse – so only a few few people (those who rebuild the project from source) could see the latest.
Please download it to a new folder and try it for yourself.