Need help with small project.
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Shop › Forum › Everything Else › Need help with small project.
So I discovered the GcodeCNCDemo in an attempt to easily control two steppers with my Arduino, as I need to get it done fairly fast, and with limited coding capabilities. I was looking at the GRBL shield at first, as it seemed capable of interpreting gcode, however as it seems in limited supply, and hard to get in Denmark, it was quickly discarded. I then looked at the Adafruit Motor Shield Kit as it is very accessible, however it seems more difficult to get going with it. As said I have very limited coding skills, however the job which needs to be done is fairly simple. I have two steppers, a Nema 17 and a Nema 14, drawing 1.68A and 1.25A respectively, would this be to much amperage for the Adafruit shield? I need the Nema 17 to rotate a couple of resolutions one way, and then the other way, I then need the Nema 14 to do the same, so a fairly simple motion.
Would this be possible with a Arduino, the Adafruit shield, and GcodeCNCDemo? Also I might need it to do this with a push of a button, so I will need the GcodeSender, right?
if you only need a few degrees, consider a hobby servo.
1.7a sounds like too much for the shield.
Well not a few degrees, it need to move a threaded rod, to move a plate 10 cm’s, so quite a bit of resolutions 🙂 I hope to run the stepper at a lower amperage.
That’s a good way to miss steps. I don’t believe you will get accurate movement, but try it and see?
Don’t blame me if the stepper draws too much current and the magic smoke comes out of your L293 chip.
I’m told there’s a way to stack two L293s on top of each other to take twice the current. I’ve never tried it.
Yeah, I’m afraid of the precision, so some end-stops might have to be placed as well. I might use the one stepper at 0.8A and use a servo as you suggested.