Makelangleo on RaspberryPi

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Makelangleo on RaspberryPi

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  • #9070

    Hey, I’ve been printing stuff from my mac for a while, but I can’t get it running on the Pi, I don’t really have any problems, I think I just don’t know what to do, for various pseudo-obvious reasons, the start OSX.command isn’t running the software, and after that I don’t know which file to run.

    I am running the latest version of rasbian at the time of writing this.


    does your raspbian run java? Please list your steps. I haven’t tried running of a Pi yet.

    I was thinking of skipping straight to a NodeMCU.


    Yes it does.
    But that’s kind of my problem, I don’t have any steps, I’m familiar (enough) with running java programs on the pi, but I can’t even find the file I’m supposed to run; opposed to when I run it on OSX where it is very obvious.


    BTW totally user-error above ^

    That being said, when the Makelangelo software starts up, everything looks good (the splash image shows up, and it asks for my language) but only 5 buttons appear (settings, new, open, generate, and save). What I’m trying to say is it looks like the UI is broken on my pi (downloaded the latest rasbian today)


    There should be a top-level (horizontal menu) with file and connect. Connect will let you connect to the robot, and then most other buttons should become active (clickable). Nothing?

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