makelangelo is not working properly

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot makelangelo is not working properly

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  • #29035

    day to all sorry english but i’m translating with google.
    I have a problem with makelangelo I cannot set the measurements of my machine in the firmware and much less combine the mms I hope someone helps me thanks in advance


    We have italian readers, you can write in italian 🙂

    Please be specific and provide lots of detail about what is happening, what you tried, and why it didn’t work. otherwise you will make people annoyed and they will not help you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Dan.

    ho cambiato le misure della macchina in d11
    D11 makelangelo 5 specific setup call
    void makelangelo5Setup() {
    // if you accidentally upload m3 firmware to an m5 then upload it ONCE with this line uncommented.
    float limits[NUM_AXIES * 2];
    limits[0] = 250.0;
    limits[1] = -250.0;
    limits[2] = 190;
    limits[3] = -190;
    limits[4] = PEN_UP_ANGLE;
    limits[5] = PEN_DOWN_ANGLE;
    ho notato che quando muovo gli assi con il programma ho notato che i mms sono giusti ,se do il comando sali di 1 cm lui sale ma in diagonale ed i disegni vengono obbliqui spero che qualcuno mi aiuti grazie


    buongiorno il mio makelangelo scrive benissimo le lettere ma : quando inizia a scrivere una frase non la scrive in orizzontale ma in diagonale spero che qualcuno mi aiuti grazie


    Please show video of problem. Show entire machine, not just pen tip.

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