Makelangelo DIY Arduino Mega + Ramps + Questions
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- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Valentin.
2018-11-05 at 05:21 #21057granjeroParticipant
Hi all, hi Dan, first of all excuse my english. Where I live we speak spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
This weekend I upgraded my Makelangelo.
My first one was a DIY Makelangelo with ArduinoUNO + Adafruit motor Shield V.1 + Two Nema 17 1.8° HighTorque motors. This one had a temperature issue from day 0. I couldn´t find a correct imput voltage to avoid overheating of the L239D chips. The best combination i found was 5V-1.5A I used it sporadically for about one year, until I discovered and started to draw large images (not in size A3-A2, but in time 1.30hs 2.00hs) untill I blew the L239D chips. So i decided to upgrade my robot.
I had an Arduino Mega and a RAMPS shield so i decided to give it a try. Replaced the old ArduinoUNO+MotorShield. With the ArduinoMEGA + RAMPS – No LCD – No SDcard – NO limit Switches.
Downladed the last firmware and software from github here are my questions:
I have modified configure.h
/*Changed the RUMBA line to RAMPS line */
// #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RUMBA // change this
#define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RAMPS // change this
I have modified robor_polargraph.h
/*Commented the version 5 and uncommented the version 3 line because i think i´m making a Version 3. Don´t I?*/
#define MACHINE_HARDWARE_VERSION 3 // If you have a makelangelo 3+
//#define MACHINE_HARDWARE_VERSION 5 // If you have a makelangelo 5+/*also comented this lines*/
//#define HAS_SD // comment this out if there is no SD card
//#define HAS_LCD // comment this out if there is no SMART LCD controller
Compiled and uploaded OK.
1 – After i connect the robot with the makelangelo software (running on macOS) if i don´t go to Settings and press IN and OUT on both motors first, when on the “manual driving” i press up it goes down, when i press down it goes up, when i press right it goes diagonally down and if i press left it goes diagonally up. This behaviour dissapear after going to settings and pressing IN and OUT one time on each motor.Weird.
2 – After finishing a drawing i press go home, it complies. I open other dxf file. I press start, and it goes to the starting point and then it hangs up.
3 – Servo now it´s slower to raise and to put don the pen than it was when i used it with the older firmware with the ArduinoUNO. Now it looks like it goes UP and DOWN in three steps. (haven´t read the code maybe i can tweak it)
Thank you very much.
Love this proyect.
2019-03-03 at 12:38 #22057ValentinParticipantHi !
I would like to do the same – upgrading a makelangelo 2.5 (uno with motor shield) to a mega + ramps, no lcd, no sd, no limit switches (for now).
Did you achieve to make it work ? Which motor drivers are you using ?
Thank you very much !
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