Makelangelo 3.2 stops drawing

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Makelangelo 3.2 stops drawing


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  • #11891

    Not sure what is going on. Twice I have tried to print out a dxf file when it just stops. I decided to try and halt the drawing, disconnecting, then reconnecting and it. The reconnection failed as there was no com3 port to connect to.


    Try saving your gcode to the SD card and running from there. If that works then I suspect the USB cable.


    Tried the sd card. It draws but I avoid it because it starts off drawing these fast zig zag patterns about 2 inches square. It is as if the two stepper motors are turning in opposite directions with no belt slack to allow it to happen. After this occurs it draws normally. I figure that I need to set home position lower on the board.

    I tired the USB connection again. Tried hanging the cable away from any motor housing to rule out any interference from the stepper motors. I checked out the DXF file and cleaned it up as much as possible. I was printing out a bit map of text, that I converted to a path in inkscape, using the trace bitmap command.

    This time it seemed to work. Every time I draw something I notice that the both motors run hot. Is this normal?

    In the process of getting a new usd cable as well.

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