Jog Motor only works in one direction

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Jog Motor only works in one direction

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  • #8846

    I am using the adafruit v1 motorshield, 1.8degree steppers, v7.1.1 software and firmware that came in the same .zip

    I have checked my motors are correctly wired up by uploading the example sketch from AFMotorDrawbot/StepperTest.

    This sketch rotates the motors correctly but when I try to use the Makelangelo software to jog the motors, each motor only rotates in one direction. the other direction produces no motor movement. by checking the invert box, the working button is inverted. obviously the directional buttons TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT etc are also not working as they should.

    Please let me know if you have encountered this problem and how to overcome it!


    Please try the latest Makelangelo-firmware with the Makelangelo software v7.3.0-alpha that was released yesterday.

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