issue connecting after installation

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot issue connecting after installation

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  • #12013

    Hi everyone, I’m totally new both to ardunio and to robots in general so maybe it’s just a super newbie problem but I’m not able to figure it out so I’m writing here to get some suggestions…

    I just received a Makelangelo 2.5, yesterday night i mounted it, connected to the pc, started the software and just tested if it was moving, everything was fine so went sleeping happy.

    Today I return home from work, re-connect it to the pc and seems like the makelangelo software cannot connect to the robot anymore, when i plug in the usb, I see appearing the connection possible on the menù that shows up clicking on the ‘connect’ button but it just doesn’t connect to the robot.

    I don’t receive the response from the arduino (I don’t see the messagge hello world welcome…. )

    tried to install arduino usb drivers, reboot and problem still here.

    Tried to plug into an another PC with Ubuntu (the first one has windows 10 64bit) but same problem, I see the possible connection but i don’t receive any message so I cannot move anything.

    I’m open up to any kind of suggestions
    Thanks for help


    Try this and let me know what you get:
    – install & run arduino app.
    – tools > port > your robot port
    – open serial connection window (magnifying glass top right)
    – set baud (bottom right) to 57600
    – also bottom right set “newline”

    Do you see the hello world message?


    mmmh, no I don’t see any message… but, other than set baud and newline shouldn’t I also put some text in the textbar?

    anyway, just setting baud and newline like you said, whne i click send I don’t see any responses…

    tomorrow i’ll try a different usb cable but I don’t really think that’s the problem considering yesterday it worked at first connection.


    By the way I’m not really sure of what i did. I mean just changing baud and newline doesn’t really do anything if I don’t send any message, am I wrong?


    Changing the baud rate would get rid of any garbled symbols you see and replace them with meaningful text. Do you get even garbled symbols?

    Do you see any lights on the arduino? Maybe it doesn’t have power.


    No i get nothing.

    I’ve two lights up, a “yellow-green” and an orange one.

    the power supply is a 12V2A


    If you have power the the board (yes) and no communications I would try a different USB cable. then I’d try a different port on my PC, just in case. If neither of those works then I’d inspect the RUMBA for physical damage of some kind.

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