Is there a better way to draw?

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Is there a better way to draw?


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  • #30876
    Robert Gibbs

    I recently built a Marlin/Ramps rig and am still learning it. Is there a better way to draw with this when I load a picture through Makelangelo software I get about 8 hours of rrrrrttttt, chiiicc, rrrrrrttttt, chiiic, while it is bouncing up and down on the servo making tiny little dots and squigglies. When you do text or generate art it puts the pen down and hauls ass not lifting until it goes to next letter or whatever. How would we get that to carry over to a picture just draw the outline etc then comeback and fill it in with long strokes insteead of dots? I have been through all the options for opening the files and I have done online conversions to svg. I am trying to learn inkscape but have yet had no luck it appears to be geared to someone much smarter than me.


    Have you tried using Tools > Simplify or Tool > Reorder? these reduce the amount of travel moves and can greatly shorten the drawing time.

    If I’m misunderstanding your question, please tell me more.

    Robert Gibbs

    Yes I use simplify and reorder on every picture. In its defense I am drawing 1500mm wide so its pretty large. If you say do a text on it depending on the font it draws the entire letter pen lifts moves to next letter draws it out kind of like you would if you were handwriting it. Or maybe this is better example if you do a spirograph pen stays down and starts drawing its circles. But on an image I guess stimple is the correct term. For example if your drawing say Mikey Mouse it doesnt draw the 2 ears and then come back and color them in. Instead it will just draw eveerything with tiny dots or short slashes even on crosshatch or multipass. I dont know I figured since it was G code it would be more like a 3D printer routine does the perimeter then comes back through with the infill by the time it gets done with the dots its pretty rough to tell what the picture is supposed to be. Im not trying to recreate the Mona Lisa but maybe Warhols soup cans no fine details. Not sure if there is a way to attach photo on here but I could send you some to see what im doing wrong

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