Directions are rotated

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Directions are rotated

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  • #19442

    After upgrading the firmware on my makelangelo 3.2 / rumba / FW 7.15.5

    I lost control through led screen. ( Drive XYZ command stopped working )
    Directions are rotated ( manual control with software ) up command goes left. ( 90 degrees CCW )

    double checked all cables and connections, even tried switching motor positions
    but no joy!

    one more symptom: motors are getting extremely hot

    I am no techie, just an artist… so any help would be appreciated


    one of your motors is now backwards. this is because of a change in firmware.
    Drive will only work after set home.

    Does that help?


    tried, but no
    home is defined but no movement

    one detail: after turning the knob for 10 times it sometimes randomly moves 1 cm

    how can I invert the motor?
    since 7.15.5 there is no invert checkbox in the machine settings


    Hi Dan,

    I love my Makelangelo, it is kinda my third arm :}}
    I will be really happy if you can help me to sort this out.



    with power off, unplug the right motor, turn the plug 180 degrees, and put it back in. done!



    I first turned it to backwards and later realized that I have to switch the motors as well. Everything seems fine (also I unplugged the screen and somehow it seems like it performs better…)

    since we have a conversation going here
    may I ask you about an idea.

    controlling makelangelo with hand gestures (like leap motion)
    or even better with a Wacom tablet…
    basically is realtime drawing with makelangelo possible?
    I believe it is. I would like to know your opinion..

    thanks again


    You’re not the first to suggest it. I would post that publicly to the projects subforum and get other users talking. I’m only doing support and basic maintenance on the project at this point, my focus is on other robots at the moment. If you do post it publicly I will retweet it to help promote the idea.

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