cutting pattern

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot cutting pattern

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  • #5869

    Hi from Athens,
    .. few questions I have concerning Drawbot for other applications:
    1. could we work/import .dwg .dxf .. or other files exported from various 3D modeling software?
    2. could Drawbot manage surface 3×5 meter and work on slope 100 degree(leaned backward)
    3. what could be the speed for drawing just outline for cutting pattern (unfolded 3D surface)
    4. could be Drawbot improved into more”industrial” version (belt, pulley etc.)

    I’d appreciate some info if anybody thinking around this topics


    1. Drawbot understands GCODE only right now.
    2. Yes, Drawbot could manage 3m*5m surface if wires are extended. Leaning works as long as pen has contact with surface and gravity pulls pen down.
    3. I draw sometimes at 5000mm/min.
    4. Theoretically yes. Please try and report results.

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