BLANK GRAPHIC LCD (Probably I damaged my Makelangelo 5 firmware)

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot BLANK GRAPHIC LCD (Probably I damaged my Makelangelo 5 firmware)

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  • #21909

    I fill so stupid…
    I searched for a soft to apply squiggled vectors filter to photos and I found Polargraph Controller. I could not connect with Makelangelo port and I found a solution by modifying some values in Arduino serial monitor and firmware (which I did not modify after all). I believe opening Tools: WiFi101 WiFi NINA Firmware Adapter: Refresh list and Update firmware caused the disappearance of coordinates displayed by the Graphic LCD and the impossibility to connect with the robot.

    What can I do? Do I have to reinstall firmware? I don’t have any experience with this problem and I’m not a programmer, my domain is art. But if there are exact indications I can follow and maybe I get it done. I feel horrible damaging the initial good work of others… Please anyone help me…

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