Arduino mega + L293D

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot Arduino mega + L293D

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  • #29078
    ibrahim özbek

    hello i am installing the new version with arduino mega but the system are not working. i’m uploading the codes successfully.

    I use the same motor driver in ardino uno, this time it works. but the version is old (v11.)

    How can I use l23d driver in arduino mega. for new version



    There is no support for UNO, which does not have enough CPU internal clocks (or power) to run the firmware.

    We don’t officially support L293D. it will take me several days to start looking at the question more seriously. Anyone else out there trying this setup?

    ibrahim özbek

    hello how can i use makelangelo with arduino mega and l293d?
    I installed the software but the engines didn’t work


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