7.8 and fw7 paper size problem

Shop Forum Makelangelo Polargraph Art Robot 7.8 and fw7 paper size problem

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Tan.
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  • #10938

    Hi Dan,

    I have downloaded the latest version and also upgraded the firmware on my 3.2. I user rumba version (which I believe the right one, since I do not know the type of my board)
    I finaly set the paper size over 100cm but when I tried to draw border it draws the border nearly half of the paper size. I also tried recalibrating everthing, reset settings. but no luck, still half size and the border is not a perfect rectangle.

    thanks in advance



    3.2 RUMBA is correct.

    What is your paper margin setting? When you first load the program, you can see a faint grey rectangle on the simulated paper. If the rectangle matches your results, that’s the issue.

    Next I would check your pulley size. The pulleys on the 3.2 are all 20 tooth GT6 belts. I hid the option to change the number because who needs it? It’s a never-changing factory setting.

    If none of that helps, send me a picture please. Maybe I don’t understand the results you’re getting.


    I have tried couple of different paper sizes. A3 and A4 they are (borders) definitely small as well, Pulleys or belts might be the problem but I am using the original ones you have sent me


    Reasons the image would be small:

    – incorrect machine size
    – incorrect pulley size (pulley 2x larger than reality = 0.5x desired picture size)
    – incorrect number of motor steps per turn in firmware (should be 400)
    – incorrect number of microsteps in firmware (should be 16)
    – electrical failure (poor connection causes missed steps. motion non-repeatable)
    – mechanical failure (belt slipping on pulley, pulley slipping on motor shaft. motion non-repeatable)

    If none of those check out, post your log file, please.


    hi Dan, thank you

    I have never played/changed any settings in firmware.
    I have downloaded arduino and loaded firmware_rumba.ino file
    it said
    /Users/tmavitan/Downloads/MarginallyClever-Makelangelo-firmware-c86acee/firmware_rumba/firmware_rumba.ino: In function ‘float parseNumber(char, float)’:
    /Users/tmavitan/Downloads/MarginallyClever-Makelangelo-firmware-c86acee/firmware_rumba/firmware_rumba.ino:583:13: warning: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive]
    while(ptr>1 && *ptr && ptr<serialBuffer+sofar) { // walk to the end

    Sketch uses 37,340 bytes (14%) of program storage space. Maximum is 253,952 bytes.
    Global variables use 3,873 bytes (47%) of dynamic memory, leaving 4,319 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8,192 bytes.

    then uploaded
    is there anything more I should be doing

    machine sizes are same as before nothing changed

    I am no developer just an artist/sculptor
    and for my upcoming exhibition I am really using my makelangelo so I am really need it working REALLYYYYYY

    I was using 7.6 but beacuse I was not being able to make it larger than 100cm
    today I downloaded 7.8 and suddenly things started to change. when I realised it was not working accordingly, I updated firmware. but that was not the cause

    I also tried to work with 7.6 but it refuses to work with 7 firmware
    I really need help

    thanks again


    here is my log file:

    2016-09-18 01:34:23

    4106 line segments. 1823.4819cm Estimated draw time: 12m29s .
    > >
    fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘������f����~f�����fxf������x��~f�������~f��fx������~�~���~x��~�x��~��~�x��~f�~f���~fx�������怘�����SD is added
    Firmware v7
    == http://www.makelangelo.com/ ==
    M100 – display this message
    M101 [Tx.xx] [Bx.xx] [Rx.xx] [Lx.xx]
    – display/update board dimensions.
    As well as the following G-codes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code):
    > D10 V3
    M101 T75 B-75 L-58 R58 I1 J-1
    G92 X0.0 Y533.0
    D6 X0 Y533
    G0 F6500 A250
    > Saving dimensions.
    -58.00,75.00 – 58.00,-75.00
    > Saving home.
    D8 L115.00 R115.00
    G00 X0 Y210
    G00 X148.5 Y210
    G00 X148.5 Y-210
    G00 X-148.5 Y-210
    G00 X-148.5 Y210
    G00 X0 Y533
    M101 T74.5 B-74.5 L-58.25 R58.25 I1 J-1
    G92 X0.0 Y528.0
    D6 X0 Y528
    G0 F6500 A250
    > Saving dimensions.
    -58.25,74.50 – 58.25,-74.50
    > Saving home.
    D8 L115.00 R115.00

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