28BYJ-48 hot wire foam cutter

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    I started my first 2-axis CNC project (i’m a newbie). I don’t want to make a plotbot but a 2 axis, hot wire foam cutter. I’m using the old software version (windows 32) of makelangelo and it partialy works. I have the arduino mega 2560 R3 and 2, 28BYI-48 steppers with the uln2003 drivers. I want to make a simular solution as the costycnc.

    The steppers are moving but Always together, not only x or only y, it is usual for the plotbot but it’s not the goal for my cutter. Do you know anybody who achieved this? Or do you know if there is software what achieves my needs?

    I found many solutions with other stepperdrivers/shields or GRBL solutions, but not with the 28byj-48. I realy hope that someone can help. I’m not a java programmer (and have no intensions to become one).

    Thanks in advance!!


    Post moved to CNC+Arduino forum with the other hot-wire cutting threads.

    When you say they dont’ always move together, do you mean

    (a) the x and y motors don’t always move together
    (b) the x motors on each end of the wire cutter do not stay in synch or the y motors do not stay in synch

    (a) should not happen anyhow. For (b) I would try physically wiring both X steppers to the same driver. then any step command MUST go to both X at once. Repeat for Y.


    Thank you for your quick reply..

    When i give a command to move only on the x, the y does move also. I am also not able to give a command to only move the y (because the x does move also than). I can understand that that is neccesary for the makelangelo plotbot but not for a wire cutter.. Maybe someone changed the software, but till now i could not find it…

    My steppers do have different drivers and are connected to different pins (2,3,4,5 and 6,7,8,9).


    If you post a schematic picture of your wiring and your source code online then people could offer suggestions.


    Well, the problem is, i don’t have any ‘code’ that’s what i’m looking for….

    what have i done? I have 2, 28byj-48 (version 5v) and hacked them (cut the red line and changed the wires (blue, yellow, orange, pink). Now i could connect them to a ramps 1.4 shield(with drv8825 drivers) as x-axis and y-axis.

    If i compile/upload the GcodeCNCDemo4AxisRAMPS.ino both axis are moving. Next step is find software like drawbot or costycnc what is working with this configuration. Any suggestions?


    If you don’t have any code, how are your motors moving?

    The RAMPS shields are 12v. That could be doing awful things to your 5v parts.


    Thanks for your answer, this is indeed marginally clever;)

    Maybe someone else? An answer or solution?


    Interesting, https://github.com/TurnkeyTyranny i found the solution…

    many thanks for all help!

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