
Delta Robot 3 Assembly Manual

Delta Robot 3 uses three motors turned 60 degrees from each other to achieve XYZ translation motion.  It is most popularly known in the Kossel 3D printer.  You might have seen one of our robots at DEFCON being used to type out pin pad combinations to unlock a cell phone.

While we do not make the Delta Robot 3 at this time, we believe in open source software & hardware.  So here is a copy of our internal Delta Robot 3 assembly manual.

This robot was designed at a time when we did not have reliable 3D printers.  Challenge yourself to design STL models!

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Justin Engler, Jae Hess, Steve, Juho Leinonen, Mark Scheel, and Eddy Hodak for helping improve this Delta Robot 3 documentation.

Tools you will need

A soldering iron.

Crazy glue or wood glue. Crazy glue takes seconds to stick. Wood glue can take up to 24h and may require clamping.

Crazy glue.jpg

A small Phillips screwdriver

Small screwdriver.jpg

a pair of pliers

Needle-nosed pliers.jpg

Solder the wires on the switches

Stewart Platform limit switch soldering.JPG

You can also crimp the wires with blade connectors if you have the tools.  These days we prefer non-contact sensors for more accurate position sensing.

Snap together the ball joints

The grip I’m using is the easiest way I’ve found to snap them together. Pinch with the pliers to get most of the way there and then gently press down with one finger and the plastic should “pop” onto the ball.

DeltaRobot8 55.jpg

Glue the end effector together

These three screws are M3x25.  This part could have been 3D printed in a single step.

DeltaRobot8 end effector parts.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector assembly layer 1.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector assembly layer 2 with glue.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector and arm assembly.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector arm parts.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector arm assembled.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector side view.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector arm fully glued.jpg
DeltaRobot8 end effector arm fully assembled.jpg

Glue the biceps together

Please be extra careful to glue these correctly. Exact alignment is very important! The screw is M3x15.  This part is much easier to make with a 3D printer where no glue is required.

DeltaRobot8 arm parts.jpg
DeltaRobot8 arms with glue.jpg
DeltaRobot8 arms being assembled.jpg
DeltaRobot8 arms, end view.jpg
DeltaRobot8 26.jpg
DeltaRobot8 arm set screw and nut.jpg

zip tie & glue the stepper mounts together

Please carefully note the direction of assembly.  It is very easy to assemble the entire robot backwards.  Then the firmware won’t match the physical model and everything has to be redone. 

You will need the motor mount plate

DeltaRobot8 motor mount plate.jpg

and the mounting bracket pieces.

DeltaRobot8 motor mount bracket.jpg
DeltaRobot8 motor mount and bracket 1.jpg
DeltaRobot8 motor mount and bracket 2.jpg
DeltaRobot8 motor mount and bracket 3.jpg

Use some glue to attach the triangle face to the side of the motor mount plate.

install the steppers in the stepper mounts

Use M3x10 screws to attach the motors.

DeltaRobot8 motors in motor mount.jpg
DeltaRobot8 motors in motor mount 3.jpg
DeltaRobot8 motors in motor mount complete.jpg

attach the biceps to the stepper motors

Depending on availability you may have received MOTO-0007 instead of MOTO-0003. Please see the links for details on the differences and what to do about it.

DeltaRobot8 adding arm to motor shaft.jpg

The arm will only fit when the flat side of the shaft is correctly lined up with the screw in the arm.

DeltaRobot8 adding arm to motor shaft 2.jpg

I am using a spacer to make sure that the biceps are attached at the correct distance from the face of the motor. The spacer should not be glued in! It is only temporary.

DeltaRobot8 50.jpg

This is a closeup view of all three arms attached.

DeltaRobot8 51.jpg

zip tie the three frame components together

Sometimes humidity might make your unassembled pieces a bit warped. When they are attached together with the zip ties they will straighten out.

DeltaRobot8 frame side.jpg
DeltaRobot8 frame parts zip tie process.jpg
DeltaRobot8 frame parts with loose zip ties.jpg

close the frame around the stepper mount

DeltaRobot8 motor mount into frame 2.jpg
DeltaRobot8 securing motor mount to frame.jpg
DeltaRobot8 securing motor mount to frame 2.jpg

Attach the base plate into the frame

There are many holes in this plate so that you have options when securing your work piece.

DeltaRobot8 base.jpg
DeltaRobot8 frame and base.jpg

Attach the forearms to the end effector

In more recent robots our process is to precisely assemble the plastic rod ends onto the rods, then insert the balls, THEN attach the rods to the rest of the robot.  The results are more consistent and accurate.  What you see here is our process way back when.

DeltaRobot8 56.jpg

These pictures show M3x40 screws, but we have changed the kits to use M3x30 screws.

DeltaRobot8 57.jpg
DeltaRobot8 58.jpg

Attach the forearms to the biceps

The screws are M3x30. The rods are M3x150.

DeltaRobot8 59.jpg

I use the M3x30 screw as leverage to make screwing in the rod a lot easier.

DeltaRobot8 63.jpg

The distance from center hole to center hole should be 165mm.

DeltaRobot8 64.jpg

The two M3x30 screws should be parallel so that the whole assembly makes a parallelogram. When I get close it can take a few tries with half turns to get the measurements just right.

DeltaRobot8 62.jpg
DeltaRobot8 61.jpg
DeltaRobot8 60.jpg

Assemble the pen collet

The collet holds your pen in place in the end effector. If you drive the tool too far down the collet will rise on the screws. It is our hope that this will help prevent damage to your machine. A 15mm screw and a nut are used between the glued layers. The capacitive pen is here for reference, it is not included in your kit.

DeltaRobot3 collet.JPG


Attach the switches on the frame

Make sure the zip tie is tight!

DeltaRobot8 70.jpg

The funny angle is OK, and expected. You should be able to move the arm and touch the switch so that it clicks.  This is the kind of amateur junk that made us move to touchless switches that don’t have “funny angles”

DeltaRobot8 69.jpg

Attach the female plug to the RUMBA

DeltaRobot8 66.jpg
DeltaRobot8 65.jpg

attach the RUMBA controller on the frame

DeltaRobot8 67.jpg

attach the switches to the RUMBA

The switch next to motor 1 should go to X-. The switch for motor 2 should go to X+. The switch for motor 3 should go to Y-.

Just above the pins are three symbols: +, -, and S. The red should go to +, the black to -, and the blue to S.

DeltaRobot3 endstops.jpg

Attach the stepper motors to the RUMBA

Steppers are attached in counter-clockwise order on the frame and wired left-to-right order on the control board.

Depending on availability you may have received MOTO-0007 instead of MOTO-0003. Please see the links for details on the differences and what to do about it.

DeltaRobot8 68.jpg

Teach the Controller

The brain of the robot is the RUMBA circuit board. To teach the circuit board you will need the Arduino software, the RUMBA driver (so windows/arduino can talk to RUMBA), and the firmware sketch that Arduino will load onto the board.

  • Download Arduino software and install it. Arduino software comes with lots of great sample code to help you start learning about programming robots. You can use it to read and edit the firmware for the robot.
  • Windows cannot find the drivers for the RUMBA automatically. Get them here.
  • The firmware is a program that teaches your RUMBA board how to talk to the PC and how to move the motors. Get the latest Delta Robot Firmware here.

Now that you have all the prerequisites, let’s do this!

Start Arduino software.

Choose Tools > Board > Mega 2560


Choose Tools > Serial Port

  • On OSX it should say something like /dev/tty.usbmodem12# You probably want the first one on the list.
  • On Windows it should say something like COM9. You probably want the last one in the list.
   When your board is connected to a Windows computer it will appear in Start > Devices and Printers along with the COM port number.

Choose upload. It should be the second blue button on the left. At the bottom of the Arduino window it will say “compiling” and then “uploading” and finally “uploading done”. if you get timeout errors, do these steps again on a faster computer.

Check the Controller is OK

Open the Arduino Serial Monitor (the magnifying glass in the top right corner). Change the baud rate to 57600 (the drop down list in the bottom right corner).

You should see a message beginning with “Delta Robot v8-“. This means the code has uploaded successfully. It should now be safe to connect 12v power.

Put one hand on the power connector so if movement looks wrong you can pull the plug immediately. This is your Emergency stop. Better yet, have a friend ready.

Type “G28;” This tells the machine to find home by touching each limit switch one at a time.

Type “M114;” This asks the machine for it’s current position. It should start with


The machine believes that the tool in the end effector is 0cm long.

Type “G54 Z-2;” Now the machine thinks that tool tip is 2cm below the end effector. Type “M114;” again and it should say


because the tool tip has moved, even if the end effector didn’t. Now let’s try our first move command.

Type “G0 Z0;” This will lower the end effector until the tool tip touches the bed. Since there is no tool at the moment it should stop before it reaches the bed.

Let’s try different speeds now. Type “G0 X4 F3000;” The F3000 changes the feed rate – the speed – to 3000 microsteps per minute.

Finished Delta Robot 3!

The steppers get very warm after running for a while. We have tested them under load for 48h and they continue to function within spec without unusual behavior. Even so, be smart: do not leave your robot running unattended.

Auto home

The robot does not G28 automatically when it turns on to avoid the chance of accident. If you want to change that you can add


to the end of setup() in the firmware.

200 step per turn motors

in configure.h there is a define for STEPS_PER_TURN. Change it to 200 if you have 200-step-per-turn (1.8 degree) motors.

Final thoughts

These days (being the days during which I write this post) Marginally Clever Robots do everything to avoid the use of glue.  We like robots that can be un-made or repaired.

Did you know Delta Robot 3 is simulated in Robot Overlord?  Connect one to the other and drive both at once!

3D Printing Tutorials

Making beautiful time lapse videos of 3D prints

It would be easy to set a camera next to the printer, set a fixed time lapse between shots, and let it run the while the printer does what it do…. but I want better than that: I want the time lapse to show the growing shape to be the only moving thing in the shot and the printer moves as little as possible.  The difference is intense.

Without printer stabilization
With printer stabilization

This is done with Raspberry Pi that will control both the 3D printer and the web camera.  So enough talk, let’s get to it.

The time lapse tools

The time lapse setup

  1. Follow the steps in the above video until the 6:45 mark. 
  2. Settings > Software Update > Update All.  Restart Octoprint when it requests and surf back to the page.
  3. Settings > Plugin Manager > Get More… > Search: OctoLapse > Install.  I had to be very patient here.  The download was fast, the install took nearly an hour on a Pi B+.  Eventually Restart Octoprint when it requests and surf back to the page. The top will now say OCTOLAPSE instead of OctoPrint.  The Octolapse settings will be hidden in a drop-down menu on the top right, under the user login.  Set your Printer and Stabilization settings.  I chose Back Right because my camera is front left.
octolapse settings
This picture was taken during a timelapse.  Some details may differ.

Time lapse usage

  1. Load a model in Slic3r Prusa and process it as normal.  I used a Tesla wall charger bracket from Thingiverse.
  2. Save the gcode file your computer.
  3. In Octoprint web panel expand the left side Files box and click UploadNot Upload to SD!  Choose the gcode file you saved to your computer.
  4. To the right of Files is a wrench.  Click it and “sort by upload date (descending)”.  Your new file will be at the top of the list of files, which will include whatever is on your Prusa’s SD card.  Timelapses will not be perfect if done from the SD card.  They must be uploaded to the Pi so that the Pi (octolapse) can inject the gcode to move the printer when it’s time to take a photo.
  5. Hit print!

Time lapse results

It looks pretty good!  For better results I will move the filament out of the shot, add a backdrop to hide irrelevant noise, and maybe play with a better camera angle.  Surely Mr. Robot Guy can build a rail for a panning time lapse, right?

See Also

Octoprint’s list of webcameras known to work

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If you have updates to this post, please comment below!


The Best way to program an Arduino Microcontroller from the Linux Command Line Interface

Updating arduino code over the internet hasn’t been easy for me before now. In this post I will show you how to update 200+ different microcontrollers from the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) using PlatformIO. My specific example (see instagram video below) will be a Teensy 3.2 using a Raspberry Pi, but you can repeat it for many other combinations with a little effort.  This method is specifically for the times when you have no Graphical User Interface (GUI) What-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) into the remote machine such as TeamViewer and all you have a bare bones text interface to the remote device.


Robot Arm Tutorials

How would I create a robot arm from scratch?

Reddit user singdawg asked a great question:

I’m currently starting a project to [create a robot arm]. Anybody know good resources? I’m a capable programmer, have experience with microelectronics and microcontrollers. Have some advanced maths to understand the depth of material (jacobian matrices etc) but I’ve limited experience with servo motors.


If your goal is specifically to DIY a robot arm from scratch, I’d start by figuring out what are my design constraints. I’d choose a carrying weight limit, a reach distance, the number of DOF, and the maximum mass of each joint. from that I could build a kinematic chain to find my torque limits, and match those to available motors and gearboxes. Personally, I choose stepper motors. In Fusion360 I’d create models of those motors, then start placing them at their desired locations. The gaps between parts would be filled with my custom designs, which would then have to be manufactured. The custom design part is very iterative and very slow (for me). Some of the things I ask myself are: Where do the bearings and fasteners fit? How do I plan to make this custom part and how does that affect the design? Where do I run the wiring so it doesn’t catch and break? Have I remembered to put in *every* part, not just waved my hand and said “figure it out later”? Can I design this in smaller pieces for easier testing of each piece?

I should mention here that a robot built with stepper motors can’t tell where it is from moment to moment the way you or I can. Mostly they are built by having limit switches. The robot moves to touch the switches at startup. Since it knows where the switches are it can count steps as it moves from then on. It is crucial from that point on to never miss a step. One day we’ll have better encoders for DIY robot arms, but not yet!

Once I’ve reached a design I like, it’s time to use the bill of materials from Fusion360 to place my order for the parts, and get to making the custom bits while the orders are in the mail. Once they arrive I can put it together and figure out what I did wrong, then go back to the fusion custom part step 🙂

Once I get something that doesn’t fail on assembly, I take each major section of the arm in Fusion360 and save them out as STL files. I bring those into Robot Overlord and make it move virtually. I can then modify some Arduino CNC firmware to follow the same kinematic model that I used in RO, and now I have a GUI to drive it. There are several arms already in RO, feel free to branch it and add your own.

Robot Arm Torque Calculator

I find calculating forces boring and I love to code. So I wrote a Processing sketch that can simulate a robot arm enough to calculate some masses and torque values. My thinking is that I can use this to set an upper limit on the weight of each joint, then see the torque values and find the motors that will be under-weight and over-torque.

Robot arm torque calculator

The arm can be moved by clicking on a joint and pressing Q/E.  The values at the bottom are the joint number, the direction of rotation, the maximum weight, the distance from the previous joint, the current angle, and the current torque.  In a 6DOF arm there are joints 0-5 and joint 6 represents the weight of the tool or the payload carried by the arm.

Get and run the Arm torque calculator.

Final thoughts

I’ve done this with 3dof and 5dof arms. I’m currently working on a 6dof robot arm.  I like to design from the wrist backwards, because the payload is the most important part, and each motion after that depends on the ones that come before it.

I’m constantly distracted by the work of assembling my other machines. Ironic! If I had the arms they would do the work for me. Soon, soon!

Next in part 2 I will show some of my work designing the arm based on the calculated constraints.