News Tutorials

Decoding Morse Code

A video posted by Dan Royer (@imakerobots) on

Morse code is an ancient tongue spoken by the hooded figures who worship a terrifying obsidian pillar in the sunken city of – oh, wait. Sorry! Wrong blog.

We’ve briefly looked over producing Morse code and making music. What if we’re receiving Morse code now? Today, we’ll be teaching the Arduino to translate Morse code back into English and use a microphone at the same time.


News Tutorials

Introduction to Speakers

Piezoelectric speaker

What you see in the picture above is a piezoelectric speaker – a tiny, electrically controlled diaphragm. On the back is a small crystal. When there is power flowing through the crystal, the size changes, bending the diaphragm. The change in the diaphragm is what causes sound and music as we know it. Today, let’s go through how we can make music with a piezo and Arduino.



Arduino Tetris 4

Almost there now! What we have to do today is remove rows that are full so the game can be played and “won”. While we’re at it, we’ll add a game over sign. Previously, we got pieces to fall and collide with the rubble.


Arduino Tetris 3

We’ve got control of our pieces. They move and they can rotate. Today we’re going to get them to fall and stop when they hit the bottom of our LED.


Arduino Tetris 2

Today, we’re going to continue building on our knowledge. Last time we figured out how to get a single pixel moving around. Since we’ve got that covered, we can move on to drawing shapes and connecting pixels. Let’s get started!

In this series of posts I’m going to teach you how to build your own Arduino Tetris game using a few electronic parts from our Arduino Starter Kits. In yesterday’s post we drew a dot moving on the screen, then controlled it’s location by moving a joystick. Now that we have total pixel control we can draw shapes, and soon after that we can move them around.
