
Robot Overlord: uArm support added

Arm3 on the left, uArm on the right.

In the last week I’ve seen three people trying to solve Inverse Kinematics in for paletizing robots like the uFactory uArm. Since this model of robot arm already exists in Robot Overlord, I thought it might be fun to add support for the uArm and show how the code changes. Now you’ll be able to customize dimensions for your new designs.

In the java code There is a package of classes called com.marginallyclever.robotOverlord.arm3, which contains everything to create a basic three axis paletizing robot arm like the ABB IRB 460 / uArm / LiteArm i2. Most notably is the Arm3Dimensions class, which holds all the unchanging numbers about the machine’s size and starting position.

Adjacent to that package I created com.marginallyclever.robotOverlord.arm3.uArm, which has a UArm class and a UArmDimensions class. UArmDimensions were set thanks to reddit user thingythangabang and this link he sent in.

Lastly in src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.marginallyclever.robotOverlord.Entity I added


So that RO knows uArm is an Entity that can be loaded when a user clicks the “Add…” button.

RO is young, so expect big improvements in the near future. Once I have STL files of each moving section of the uArm I’ll be able to replace the crude models above and it will look suh-weeeeeeet…. It will mean UArm will have to override drawIK() to display the correct Model files. If you made it this far, it shouldn’t be a challenge.

Also mad props to Freenode IRC #java users surial, dreamreal, and yawkat for helping me this morning with a “why java do dat?” question. Minimum viable product!

I just received my first donation for developing RO, for which I’m super pumped. Thanks, Elie!

Let me know what you think in the comments below, and please share with others.


Robot Overlord: Undo/Redo Adding and Removing Entities

Undo/Redo already covers movements inside individual robots. I just expanded it to cover adding and removing entities from the world. You can now add a robot, make it move, undo those moves, make some new moves, delete the whole robot, change your mind, and the undeleted object will have the same state that it had when it was deleted. When an entity is deleted it does not actually leave RAM, it is detached from the world and becomes a kind of dark matter.

I’ve also expanded it to cover changes to Model source file name. Load an STL, change the STL, undo to change back.

I’m working on expanding it to cover changes to Entity positions in the world, including the camera.

Edit the next day: no, not the camera. Just every Entity.

Look for these changes in the next official release.

Makelangelo News

Makelangelo 7.6.5 software update

Get the files

[products skus=’FIRM-0001, SOFT-0001′]

multipass example

Added converter Multipass. You can adjust the angle and the number of passes.

Added converter Wander. You choose the number of lines, but not where they randomly travel.

machine size calculations

Added belt and servo wire length calculation to settings > machine panel. This will make it easier to order large-scale machines from Marginally Clever.

limit test

Added generator Limit Test. The gcode will travel around the outside edge of the paper and then return to home. This is very useful if you are running from an SD card.

preview electronics on makelangelo

Added visual of control box and stepper wires:

boxxy style

Improved Boxxy style (added infill):

new connect button

Simplified connect list & rescan to connect/disconnect button:


  • Added ANSI, US, and Arch paper sizes
  • Improved DXF multilayer support, improved change tool message
  • Force log to bottom of file unless caret moved; shortened gui log for faster updates
  • Several bugfixes

Home position and calibration

Please print this calibration PDF, unscaled, on letter or A4 paper. Place it at the top center of your machine. the pen holder then lines up with the picture on the paper to get perfect calibration every time. This works extra good when you already have paper on the machine and you want to restart or continue a drawing using the “start at” feature.

firmware update

Please download and update to the latest firmware.


Jigsolve: Nozzle work

The point of the robot is to let the internet finish a jigsaw puzzle. All problems trickle down from there. Starting at the frame was great fun, but maybe not the best place to begin. The nozzle head has gone through three redesigns and I suspect it will take three to five more before I get it right. It will affect the X carriage and gantry, which may affect the Y carriages, which may affect the corner mounts.

Anyways! Here’s the hollow shaft NEMA17 stepper motor I ordered.

Here’s the 3D printed adapter that will hold the vacuum hose on the back of the stepper.

I’ve sprayed the outside with white primer paint in the hope that it will seal microscopic holes in the print and maintain a good air-tight seal. I believe I need a thin layer of rubber between the plastic and the metal body of the stepper for a good seal. I tried a thin bead of hot glue, but testing shows the suction isn’t enough to lift a bottle cap.

Also the tonal pitch of the pump rises significantly when I put my finger over the pump inlet. It changes much less when I do the same at the silicone nozzle on the stepper, or on the stepper directly. I conclude there is an air gap in the 3D printed adapter and that this gap is on my hit list.