
Jigsolve: New pnp nozzle arrived

The new nozzle arrived from RobotDigg. It’s two months late and never included the tracking number I asked for. Also I told them I wanted 150cm wire from the motor and I got 25. Also I told them my hose is 1/4″ ID. Did they include a male/male 1/4″ connector? No.

On the plus side the manufacturing of the part seems OK. @Aidan Leitch‘s soft nozzle seems to fit like a dream.

Every design problem trickles down from the nozzle. Tomorrow I hit the local hose & fitting supplier to get the missing adapter. Once nozzle tests pass, then i mount the camera above the nozzle and build a new z actuator. Then redesign the X carriage to hold the actuator. Then the Y axis. Then the cable management. With a little luck this thing will be working for the holidays.

These days… I find my patience is short and life moves WAY too slowly. I will pay for talented help. Marginally Clever is doing well and could be going so much faster.


Can a Makelangelo robot draw inverted colors?

Kelly Key sent in this gorgeous 18″x18″ Makelangelo drawing done with inverted color – a silver Sharpie on black artist paper.

peruzzi-print-6-6-2016 by Kelly Key

Kelly says, “I have sent these around the world to friends. One is in Japan….This particular print I sent to the Church of Satan….I haven’t heard back…but I am sure it is hanging in somewhere.”

Thank you, Kelly! Everyone else, please keep for posting in the forums and sending in your awesome pictures. We love to share what you do!

Edit: The next version of Makelangelo software (v7.8.2) now has an option to set the paper and pen color. Preview your drawing as it is meant to be seen!


Makelangelo software 7.8.0, Makelangelo firmware 7.0.0

Makelangelo software 7.8.0 brings friendlier CPU usage, new generators, DXF export for your CNC machine, and a host of bug fixes.  Did you know there are now over 2500 Makelangelo robots around the world? Awesome!
