Makelangelo News

Makelangelo Software v7.17.0

Today I’m pleased to release Makelangelo Software v.7.17.0, the open source control program for our Makelangelo drawing robot.  This new version can now generate spirographs and read Scratch sketches.  Read on for all the details.

Minor improvements

First, some little details.  I’ve added a Help menu that contains the About tab and a link directly to the forums.

Makelangelo Spirographs

Generate Art > Spirograph will open the spirograph dialog and immediately generate the first spirograph.

By default the generator creates hypotrochoid drawings.  A hypotrochoid drawing is made by rolling a circle inside a ring, while keeping your pen at the same spot in the circle at all times.

Selecting epitrochoid will put the circle on the outside fo the ring.

The Major radius (R) value is the size of the ring.

The Minor radius (r) value is the size of the circle rolling around the ring.

The Scale (p) value is the distance from the center of the circle to the fixed point that the pen will follow.

The Sample (quality) increases the number of lines used to draw the shape.  More samples means smoother line.

Makelangelo Scratch Support

Scratch, from MIT, is the Minecraft of computer programming.  Each block does a different thing and blocks can only be combined in certain ways.

Supported scratch commands

The scratch program above, when run (by clicking the green flag icon, generates a kind of spirograph.  (Total coincidence.)

Scratch programs can be downloaded from the website to your computer

And then uploaded to the Makelangelo software.  Remember to change the file type to SB2

File > Open > Type = SB2

You should then immediately see the sketch drawn in the main view.

The extra lines are Makelangelos’s drawing of the pen holder

All scratch programs supported by Makelangelo Software v.7.17.0 must begin with a “When flag clicked” block.

Makelangelo Scratch (Scratchelangelo?) supports:

  • Move
  • Pen up/down
  • Turn and point in direction
  • Change x/y
  • Set x/y
  • Creating variables
  • Set variable to a number
  • Change variable by [operation]
  • Repeat [operation]
  • Hide, show, wait, and clear are ignored by Makelangelo and convenient for Scratch testing.
  • All other Scratch commands will probably cause an obscure error message.

There is no hard limit to the length of a sketch, the number of variables, or the complexity of a sketch.

As always, you can discuss these improvements in the forums.  We’d love to see what you make!

m5 dxf preview
Makelangelo News

Makelangelo 5 Now 100% Open Hardware

Today I’m pleased to announce that the Makelangelo robots are now 100% Open Hardware.  Get all the open hardware laser cutting and 3D printing files for the Makelangelo 5 and Makelangelo 3 right here.

The Makelangelo 5 Thingiverse files includes the DXF pattern for laser cutting the two wood layers and the 3D printed parts.

The Makelangelo 3 Thingiverse files also include the laser cutting DXF pattern files.  There are no 3D printed parts in the M3.

If you’re reading this and deciding which one to build: the M5 is much easier to run, but only goes big enough for an A2 or A3 image.  The M3 can scale up to do much larger drawings and is much more challenging to setup.

Whichever you decide, our forums are the best place to discuss your choice, get technical help, or show off your new mod idea.

News Opinion

CES 2018 Robots? Mostly Garbage

Right! I’m in a bad mood today and the crap out of CES 2018 isn’t helping. My short review is “most of these are garbage, and the rest have some brain damage.” Here’s a quick run down of the big ticket items and why I do or do not like them. (more…)

News Robot Arm

Robot Arm Study 5 in Robot Overlord, Tool mounting design

I’ve got Study 5 working in Robot Overlord.  The STL files are heavy in detail so the load time is long, but it works.  Forward and Inverse kinematics as good as any other arm in the system (which already includes the 7bot, MANTIS, and others).  I still don’t have enough time to rip apart the inner workings and rebuild it with a record & play back mechanism.  That would be very nice…

Also here is the hole pattern if you want to design a tool that fits on the wrist of the robot.  I would love to see someone design an Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) so the robot could put down one tool, pick up another, and use any tool it is currently holding.


Robot Overlord: THOR added

As I just wrote on the THOR project page, Robot Overlord now supports inverse and forward kinematics for the THOR robot.  One by one they all fall under my dominion!  MwahahahHAHAHAHAHhahahaha…..aha…