
Modular robot clusters

Building robots can be a lot of work. One way to reduce the work is to use the same part many times.
These researchers present a snake robot made from identical modular components arranged in a daisy chain.

One could argue these are modular robots working together.

Self-assembling would be nice.


Delta Robots & Minecraft

Adept’s Quatro Delta robot has taken all the fun out of iPhone games.  See for yourself:

It takes a picture of the screen, finds the solution, and then hammers out the winning combination of moves as fast as it can.

Our Delta robot has been used like this to type out passwords on an iPhone.


What motivates us

Studies have shown that performance bonuses increase physical work output and have the reverse effect on cognitive work.
I bet this is behind Google’s 20% time policy, where one day a week you can work on anything you want company related.


Building 3D models on the fly

Want perfect lighting and super detailed realism in your next 3D game? Build a scale model of your world, then run it through a program like this!

The algorithm builds a point cloud (a whole science to itself) and then a Delaunay tetrahedralization over many frames. In normal speak, the comptuer recognizes spots on the model even when the model moves. Those spots are used to figure out the shape of the surfaces of the model. As the model moves the shapes are refined.

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