
2014-02-25 Delta Robot 3 firmware update

Delta Robot v3 has just been updated with tool offsets and tool changing.

Tool offset GCODE commands are G54 to G59. The basic system supports 6 tools at once.

[code]G28; home the machine
M114; report position. Z should be 4.77
G54 Z-2; adjusts position down 2cm
M114; Z now appears as 2.77[/code]

If you have more than one tool then it would be nice to have a way to have the machine remember the offsets for several tools at once. This update adds memory for all 6 tools. G54 will change tool 0, G59 changes tool 6, etc. M06 Tn will tell the delta that you have switched to tool n.

You can download the latest firmware from the delta3 open source repository on github.


10,000 people a month makes for one heck of a party!

Google Analytics tells me that we’re now getting >11,000 visitors a month here. That’s one every five minutes! Come say ‘hi’ in our forums. Get to know one another and talk robotics. Together we can collaborate, teach each other, and make awesome things happen.

Case in point, deanville just posted this modded version of his Makelangelo 2 pen holder in the gallery section. He says … well heck, you can read it for yourself.


What are the six degrees of freedom in a robot arm?

First off: Why six?

6 degrees of freedom is the minimum needed to reach a volume of space from every angle. The longer the arm, the greater the volume that can be reached. More than 6 joints and the robot becomes kinematically redundant – it can reach the same spot at the same angle in more than one way. For example, you can pinch your nose and wiggle your elbow at the same time.

In a human arm there are at least six degrees of freedom. If your robot arm can do all of these motions then your arm can do pretty much any job a human can. So here’s a list of what the six degrees are and what they are not. Video after the break. Read on