
Can you help our open source Java projects?

I’m preparing an update for the Makelangelo 3 program. I’d like to release it this Friday.

Try the current Windows version

Try the Mac version

I thought that writing a program in Java would make life easier for everyone. Turns out there are some gotchas. Java is installed a little bit different on each version of Windows, which makes life difficult for everyone.

I really want all the programs I’ve released in the last few years to be as easy to run as Arduino or Minecraft, but I don’t have the knowledge to make it happen. Can you show me how? I’ll take anything that works!

See the Github project here


PancakeBot Update

The PancakeBot is turning out delicious breakfasts one fancy shape at a time. I’m proud that some of our GCodeCNCDemo code has been used as the brain inside this CNC machine.

Click for larger versions of each image. Here’s the completed machine.


Simple enough for anyone to use.


I asked for a pancake shaped like a Dalek from Doctor Who and Miguel delivered.


Would you be interested in a PancakeBot of your own?


A Jigsaw Puzzle For the Blind

laser cut jigsaw tardis art

I’ve had a dumb idea clonking around in my head for at least a decade: a jigsaw puzzle for the blind.  When I was young I would see carved stone reliefs and wish I could touch them.  I thought the blind might really enjoy them.  When I joined the reddit puzzle exchange my giftee asked for a jigsaw and I knew: it was time.



2014-04-18 Site updates

Added an SSL certificate.  Surf in private, shop with confidence.

Added an R&D subforum.  This is for people stuck on a robotics challenge that need a bit of help. I’ve listed 4 items to start it off.

Added “Learn” to our top level menu that will take you to our education Wiki.

Adding a new product banner every day of the work week until they’re all done.

Hooray for small victories!  One step at a time.

Special thanks to VHS member “Robbat2” for his amazing linux know how.  You rock!