
See a Transparent Makelangelo at DX3 in Toronto

Jenelle DX3 Conference Makelangelo

Jenelle emailed me a set of pictures from the Dx3 Conference in Toronto, Canada. DX3 is all about digital marketing and retail and runs for only two days, March 11 & 12, 2015. What better way to advertise your business than a Makelangelo in the window, or a long exposure light painting? More pictures after the break. (more…)


How much belt does a Makelangelo need?

Jenelle wrote in on the live chat to ask: “Where is the bottom of the machine? is it the bottom of the board?”

The machine height and machine width affect your belt length, but your belt length also affects the machine height. It works like this: (more…)


Makelangelo+AMS2 speed boost

Did you build a Makelangelo 2.5 with an Adatruit Motor Shield v2? Here’s a trick I found today that’ll give you a 4x speed boost.