
Barnes & Noble Makerfair

Seattle Barnes & Noble Makerfair this weekend was host to Paul Borchert, a local teacher, and his Makelangelo 2.

Paul Borchert

Paul says,

I’m a Makelangelo believer. It’s everything STEM is supposed to be. STEM is so huge in the states, that the term is often used to get attention. Makelangelo is the real deal.

We couldn’t say it better ourselves. Thanks, Paul. You rock!


Marginally Clever Website Upgrade 2015

Marginally Clever Robots’ website has just been upgraded. Please use the contact form at the bottom of every page to tell us if you spot something amiss.  Read on for all the nitty gritty.


Robot Overlord Demo, 2015-10-26

Robot overlord is the software we’ve been developing to control all our machines, from Spidee-1 through to the Evil Minion Robot Arm. Here’s a preview of the latest.


How to install OpenCV 3.0.0 for Java Eclipse in OSX 10.10.1 and up

OpenCV in Java is good, and on OSX is even better. There are many tutorials online, most of them out of date. They will lead you astray down dark and complicated alleys that dead end where no one can hear you scream. I’m here today to tell you how to avoid these pitfalls. Take my experience for free, because I love you, friend I haven’t met yet.*

*my results as of 2015-10-06, your mileage may vary.