
Jumbotron LED wall parts

I’m working hard to get a box with all the parts you need to build the Jumbotron LED wall featured in MAKE volume 49 (January 2016). It’s a long process of back-and-forth because of translation challenges and the time delay between North America and China.

I’m also trying to set up drop shipping so that you get Marginally Clever quality guarantee without paying for double-shipping.

As soon as I have a working supplier I’ll list the LEDs in the store and update this post.

What is the LED wall?

It’s a 213cm * 120cm wall of 2306 full color LEDs. It can just about any video of any length, and you don’t have to be a programmer to make it work. While this wall is not the first of it’s kind, it is easier than ever before and completely Open Source. Great for an outdoor movie night or for starting to learn about programming, computer graphics, or video protocols. has all the pics and step-by-step instructions.


Jigsolve: More nozzle work

Modeled this brass connector today. The threaded NTP 1/8 end will go on @Aidan Leitch‘s nozzle, and the barbed end will go on the silicone hose seen in the previous post.

Around this nozzle I’m 3D printing a 2 part block that will hold the brass piece on a servo. the rotation axis of the servo goes right through the center of the nozzle, which should make rotating jigsaw pieces easy.

Next I need a new way to raise & lower the servo/nozzle to pick up pieces.

If the servo proves to be ineffective then I’ll copy the work of @anthony.webb and use a stepper motor with a hollow shaft. Changing to a stepper motor will have a trickle down effect that changes so…so many things. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen!


Jigsaw solving robot hose update

I’ve been working on a robot called JigSolve that will finish my jigsaw puzzles. Think “Twitch Plays Pokemon” taken to the next level. I made great progress until I got to the nozzle, which is proving delightfully challenging.

Jigsaw robot hose and adapters

I wrote a whole post about recent adventures and the lessons learned. Read it on project page.