
Micromouse motors with continuous servos

In my previous post I connected four analog distance sensors to my Arduino Due and fed the sensor data to Processing, which displayed a graph of the results. In this post I’m attaching continuous servos and hooking these pieces together to get object avoidance.


Building and testing micromouse sensors

To build a micromouse I need sensors that see the maze and motors that move the robot through the maze, connected to a brain that I can teach. All of that is powered by a battery. In this post I’m going to connect the micromouse sensors and graph their output. (more…)


New experiments with Makelangelo 3

Makelangelo 3 robots ship fully assembled and tested by us, and as part of the quality guarantee I’ve been drawing a lot of pictures. I’ve also been experimenting with ways to improve the machine. These are experimental ideas that may make it into the next model. (more…)


New product: Simmer Shape Polycaprolactone

MATR-0001 Simmer Shape is the perfect plastic for makers. Drop it in simmering hot water to make it soften and turn clear.  Take it out with a fork and shape it like soft clay.  As it cools it hardens and turns white again. Heat and reshape it as much as you like.  Often faster than waiting for the 3D printer, and biodegradable!

Here’s a closer view of shaping it by hand.

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#polycaprolactone #plastic #howto

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Get it!


Micromouse update 5

This weekend the micromouse maze Luke painted and assembled part of the maze. Now we’re looking for a laser trigger to time the races, and I’ll start documenting my micromouse robot build.

micromouse maze parts

micromouse maze painted

micromouse maze assembled

Vancouver teachers

A question for you: What is the best time of the year to run this contest again in the fall/winter? We want to work with your schedule so that your students can build a robot as part of their course work.