
Makelangelo vs Polargraph

“I was wondering if you have any knowledge of or experience with the Polargraph and could compare and contrast the capabilities, software, and usability of both your products. I’m looking to buy either one and am not sure which to go with. Thank you for your time and all the work you’re doing!” — Natan

Great question! Let’s see.


How to control a linear actuator with an Arduino

Controlling a linear actuator is fun and easy. They’re really strong and can be used for all kinds of things: raising your TV out of a hidden pocket; crushing your enemies; or building an RC backhoe or dump truck. I did this entire project in about 20 minutes for around $150 CAD.


Modding an i3 to support five axis printing

five axis printing

I’d like to mod my i3 to try five axis printing. I have a Reprap i3 and a RUMBA board that support six steppers. I see in Marlin RUMBA is set up for 3 axies and 3 extruders. The axies would be X,Y,Z,U, and V. I’m wondering what is the best approach. Here are my thoughts so far.