Makelangelo 7.3.1

Makelangelo 7.3.1 fixes one major bug and adds several small improvements. Please make sure to also run with the latest makelangelo-firmware.

Major stuff

The NOCHECKSUM, BADCHECKSUM, and BADLINENUM errors were poorly handled by the SerialConnection class.  If the error message arrived with “> ” in front of it, the error message was ignored. The PC would go on as if there was no problem, and the firmware would keep reporting the error message. In effect the system would appear to hang. This is fixed.

Minor improvements

  • WYSIWYG view not updating sometimes (on new, on “graphics options > show pen up moves”). fixed.
  • converter options are static: run convert > voronoi stipples > change some settings. run it again and not that your changes have been preserved. This makes iterative tweaking of your image easier. Values are reset when program quits.
  • removed all out of date translations
  • added Paul Borchert’s Pig Latin translation
  • improved Crosshatch style. Takes half the time, and instructions/file are much smaller.
  • improved Sandy style. Long lines should have been arcs. Fixed.
  • change defaults for Sandy, Voronoi stipples: optimized for default A2 paper size.

Download it here.

The English translation for Makelangelo can be modified and sent to us. We’ll put in and give you credit. I’d like to hear your ideas about how to make this easier for translators.

Please use our support forums for all your questions and feedback.