
New Product: RAMPS 1.4 electronics package

RAMPS 1.4 electronics package

ELEC-0054 RAMPS 1.4 electronics package has all the core electronics for your next 3D printer, plus some useful extras.

The Arduino board is the brain. It listens to instructions written in Gcode. The RAMPS board stacks on top of the Arduino board like layers in a sandwich and gives the Arduino the ability to move up to 6 stepper motors at once.

On top of the RAMPS board are sandwiched five motor drivers – these are the high voltage chips that do the heavy lifting. They’re made to be replaceable, tweakable, and upgrade-able. Because so much current is running through them they can get hot so they come with heatsinks and special tape to help keep them cool. Heatsinks work even better when there’s a breeze so we’ve added a 12v fan that plugs into the RAMPS board. To make your assembly as easy as possible we’ve even included a small screwdriver.

If that wasn’t enough, we’ve got an optional micro SD card reader in the kit so you can run your machine untethered, a temperature sensor for your next 3D printer, and a triple set of pulleys for GT2 timing belt to move your machine.

Get the RAMPS kit today.

PS: If you don’t need all of those things? Let us know, we’ll save you some money.