
GCodeCNCDemo RUMBA control is MUCH faster

Every time I need to use a new motion controller I add it to the GCodeCNCDemo. Keeps my life nice and simple and gives you the chance to compare firmwares, learn how they do what they do.

Updates GcodeCNCDemo release #5

  • removed memcpy sorting from all versions. Much easier to grok now.
  • added NUM_AXIES to 4axis v2 to be more consistent
  • added reprapdiscount RUMBA control board demo

Get it here

Note: the RUMBA should be treated as a MEGA 2560 when compiling/uploading from Arduino.

So much faster

The switch from 3 stacked Adafruit Motor Shield v2 to a single RUMBA controller is amazing – the step time is incredibly short. With the Adafruit I was trying to squeeze as much speed as possible out of the system. With the RUMBA I have to worry about slowing down so I don’t slam to a stop and damage the machine.

One thing I have yet to do is write a short script to deliver scripted lines one at a time to an Arduino running a demo.
I’ve already got it in the Makelangelo but writing a stand-alone version is taking time. It will happen! Maybe you can write it?