
Jim’s Makelangelo Draws a Badlands Bunny

Jim Wink's Makelangelo

Jim has been making some heavy mods to his Makelangelo in his home lab and sharing his adventures in the forums.

Check out Jim’s Makelangelo progress along with more videos and photos. His story is exactly what I hope to see – people get the kit, put it together, understand how it works and then start making wild and interesting upgrades and improvements. I wish classrooms full of kids were doing the same thing and learning all about CNC machines.

Jim suggests, “I am not sure how to get these files to scale down to something that’ll fit the page. Likely there’s some part of the software that helps with this, but I am missing it. …. [the software] seems to do better with clear, high contrast images. Anything [else] just makes the image more difficult to see or distinguish from noise.”

I tried to scale existing g-code in the past without success. I’d love to add other styles of image conversion like StippleGen but I have yet to wrap my head around weighted voronoi stippling. Maybe someone with more programming skills that me can modify the open source makelangelo project on github?