
Four Armed Delta Robot

4 arm delta robot end effector upshot

Last week I posted a video about a 3-armed delta robot. Today I bring you the promised 4-armed version.

While prototyping the parts I had to print two copies of the end effector. I modeled v1 on the 3-armed version and when I tried to assemble the robot the screws in the end effector were impossible – they would have to overlap in physical space. I fixed it in the v2 model and hollowed it out to save on ABS plastic, then printed it on my Prusa Marlin. Next time I’ll have to model every single part to make sure it’s correct.

4 arm delta robot

4 arm delta robot wiring

I realized while filming this that the base was backwards and the motors face the wrong way. Good news is the code works correctly. Bad news is there’s a huge difference between the real world and the picture of the robot in the robot’s mind when I was running it. I expected Z-(anything) to go down. It’s very likely that X and Y are also flipped. When I release the kit I’ll do a whole new video with assembly and unboxing and it will be mounted the right way around.

You can find the 3D printable parts on Thingiverse.

4 arm delta robot base

4 arm delta robot end effector