
Production Update: One step forward, two steps back (do see do and swing your partner)

thanks to a suggestion from IRC freenode#reprap, I turned down the X axis polulu and it started to work better. This infill test was going perfect, until I noticed the Reprap Prusa was no longer pushing ABS out the heated nozzle. I checked that the plastic filament wasn’t caught on anything. I tried to extrude 1mm. Curious, the stepper makes noise but the gears on the extruder don’t move. I tried again from another angle – AHA!

Now that I look at it, this PLA extruder sprocket isn’t completely filled in. That made it weak und flabbey ya. Today’s goal is now to get down to the VHS and print TWO better, strong, faster ones on the Tantillus and then get back here and kick out the jams. Why two? Backup.