Jim’s Drawbot
Once in a while I get contacted by people who’ve made their own Drawbots. Nice! Jim Wink has made impressive progress and is now working on making his discount steppers work with the motor shield.
As Jim says,
[The Marginally Clever shop] does sell parts of the DrawBot separately, so I may see if can get the steppers and possibly other parts to get my DrawBot running. Partially because its so cool, but also because its a chance to work with G-code, something I’ve been wanting to learn.
I feel so vindicated when I read that. Someone who gets it!
Check out his blog to read more about Jim’s exploits, including some cool Persistence-of-vision stuff. To get your own drawbot parts, please visit The Marginally Clever shop.
Are you building a Drawbot? Have you got a CanDo that can solve mazes? Write in and send a picture, I want to tell the world about you.