
Calibrating a RepRap Prusa, part 1

I’ve already assembled my prusa.
I’ve already calibrated XYZ & E.
Now it’s time to perfect my prints so I can start producing parts.

Get the required models from Thingiverse.

Print the 0.5mm thin wall.

Watching the temperature graph in Repetier-host 0.32

…so the bed came unsoldered, which required relevelling, and then I was able to finally get to 110 by closing the windows and doors and turning on a space heater. Ugh! Here’s the first print.

…and here it is again after I reduced the XY acceleration in the firmware from 9000/7000 to 2000/2000.

…and again. I had a partial meltdown on the RAMPS board and have now re-secured the wire for the bed. It was shorting and trying to disolve the screw terminals for D8.