
WHERE now M114 like Repraps, jogging now reports current position.

Last night at the VHS Andrew showed me Gcode command M114 which tells the robot “tell me where you think you are right now.” I had this implemented as a WHERE command in Arduino. I’ve now switched it in both branches. I’ve also added it to every Jog Motor or Drive Manual button event, so every time you move the motors by hand it will tell you the current location. This can be handy for calibration: I can ship a 10x10cm grid with the kit that you tape around 0,0 and then you can jog to see if your pictures are going to come out square.

Would it be OK to store each Drawbot’s dimensions in the cloud? That way a given Drawbot would only have to be set up once instead of once per computer. I don’t know if there’s really a need, it just crossed my mind.